13th April 2014 10:22
Well I'm delighted to get such an amazing response from this movie!
So far every single member bar one has rated it 10 out of 10!
I have spoken to Oliver today and showed him the viewer comments and he is really pleased!
He actually said it was worth all the pain and trust me, there was a lot of pain!
I'm going to post an interview with Oliver soon for you which was filmed on the day that this movie was shot and you can see his immediate reaction after the spanking had ended.
But for now I just want to add my own thoughts and comments.
So this movie with Oliver was filmed some time ago. So today I actually sat and watched all 50 mins of it again. I actually tried to detach myself and watch it from a viewers point of view.
In some ways this was difficult to do and mainly this was Art the editors fault! You see, I am fully familiar with the footage that I filmed and sent to Art to edit. However, when I watched it back somehow Art made it look really tremendous and different to the raw footage he had to work with. I'm talking about really precise editing detail here. Very subtle things like panning in on Oliver at exactly the right time highlighting the emotions and his reactions just perfectly.
So thank you Art. Your work here was amazing and really made this movie.....
So lets talk about the spanking video. I thought Oliver's acting was truly superb! I having just re-watched it all and twice during the movie I actually had some tears.
The first time was when Dad removed the cash from Oliver's pocket and Oliver realised that he was caught. Interestingly this was, I think the only time during the entire film where we stopped and filmed it a few different ways. Initially, Oliver was still being quite arrogant with Dad and trying to lie his way out of the situation, but I never felt that worked properly or was true to Oliver's character. So I stopped the filming and suggested that instead Oliver realises that he has been 100% caught out and rather than arguing is just full of remorse.
I think this angle really worked and Oliver's reaction and sudden transformation from being cocky and in denial of his crimes to full on sorrow was really superb and quite touching.
The second part that got me emotionally was when Oliver was in the bedroom waiting for Dad and he decided to call his Mum.
The line when Oliver says, "please don't cry Mum" was just heartbreaking!
As for the rest of the spanking that followed. Well incredibly what you see on the film was pretty much how it happened. We never really stopped filming, we never discussed dialogue and we just stayed in character throughout.
Sure there were some fluffed lines and so on that Art had to work around during the editing but the spanking you see is pretty much exactly what was filmed.
Oliver and I just really seemed to connect that day. I know for sure that he drew on his own personal emotions during the filming and it just shows. The tears, the sorrow the pleading and also Oliver just accepting his punishment were not discussed or rehearsed or scripted. Every line that I (Dad) says and every answer that Oliver gives was just as it happened, spontaneously, during a very long film shoot!
I'm so pleased that you all enjoyed this latest spanking movie!
Straight Lads Spanked - not just spanking - it's the whole punishment!