1st June 2014 03:51 | LAST COMMENT 15 weeks ago
Hey Everyone!
Wow! The amount of comments that are coming through onto the website is amazing! In some ways it's a bit overwhelming for me to keep up with everything!
That is not a complaint though. I love it! Please keep them coming!
However, I am aware that people may have been asking me things on specific movie threads that I might have missed which would be terrible for me as I don't want anyone to feel ignored!
I also realise that some of you have random questions that you like to ask that don't relate to any move in particular!
So here is how this Blog will work.
If you have asked me a question on a particular movie thread and I have not answered it, feel free to give me a nudge here.
So for example it might be something like this..
"Hey Dave, I asked something on the Consequences of Cheating movie thread, can you have a look please?"
That will prompt me to rush over and answer your question on that thread.
Or maybe you just have a random question or thought for me, in that case, just ask away here and I promise to answer as best as I can!
(I'm standing by)!
4th July 2016 13:47 | LAST COMMENT 66 weeks ago
As requested by Welshboy.
Here is the place to ask any technical questions about the editing directly to our amazing editor, Art!
1st June 2014 06:41 | LAST COMMENT 88 weeks ago
So this is something I have been asked to set-up. A Suggestion Blog! This is where you can ask me questions, or leave ideas you have for movies or pretty much talk about anything you wish!
I promise to respond to everything that is left if needed!
23rd August 2013 09:06 | LAST COMMENT 141 weeks ago
I made a brief interview with Oliver immediatley after he received his first caning! I hope you enjoy!
22nd August 2014 06:09 | LAST COMMENT 293 weeks ago
Sorry, but that was the best blog name I could come up with!
I just wanted to have a place where I could make little announcements or pass on random thoughts that I had. I guess the kind of thing that does not need a whole blog posting of it's own.
24th March 2016 11:37 | LAST COMMENT 300 weeks ago
Hey Everyone,
So there has been a request for me to do some more birthday spankings. I would be happy to do them again and I know some of the lads actually have birthdays coming up.
So I have a few questions for you.
1. Who would like to see some more Birthday Spankings?
2. Would you like me to keep to the original idea of the lads being sent to Mr X by their mates for his birthday spanking or, alternatively I could just do them as me, Dave for no other reason than it's the lads birthday.
What do you reckon?
20th August 2014 14:22 | LAST COMMENT 312 weeks ago
So I have noticed a discussion on the Random Blog which is pretty cool and discusses your top three favourite Straight Lads Spanked models.
I really enjoyed reading all the different opinions and reasons. All valid and appreciated.
So I thought I should make this discussion into a blog of it's own.
So of course we all know that all the guys on Straight Lads Spanked are amazing in their own way.
But if you had to choose your top three lads who would they be and why?
(I realise that some of you have discussed this on the Random Blog, so why no copy and paste and repost your answers here?
25th January 2015 05:26 | LAST COMMENT 313 weeks ago
So a few months ago I happened to mention that I had just filmed a movie where there were some real tears from the model. At this stage, when I first menitoned it, I had not even watched the footage back.
Now my awesome editor Art has worked his magic on it and I have seen the final version.
There was a lot of excitiement about this and I am worried that peoples expecations for this movie may exceed what I described.
So at this stage I am not going to mention any details as to the model involved, but I will tell you more about what happened on the day.
The story of the movie was quite emotionally charged and I just wanted to get this right. So I had actually spoken in great detail to the model in question prior to him coming for filming. I wanted him to really play the story out in his head and try and fully immerse himself in what I wanted to produce.
And he really did! Beyond my expectaions!
If you are expecting a lad to have tears streaming down his face because of the ain of a spanking then you will be disapointed. Instead, this is all about the emotions between a father and a son and what leads to the spanking. The emotion that you see is real and very raw and starts within the first few minutes of the movie.
Actually I have just watched this movie again with fresh eyes (well actually slightly tear stained eyes). Art has done an astounding job woth this edit (well let's face it, he always does) and I just know that you are going to really enjoy it!
Not long to wait now!
25th May 2014 15:04 | LAST COMMENT 326 weeks ago
The Random Blog
So here is the place where you can just post random thoughts, ideas or anything you want!
Have Fun!
16th April 2015 15:30 | LAST COMMENT 340 weeks ago
So I am going to be filming some new movies shortly and have been thinking about reasons why a lad might get sent to Mr X, or indeed why a father would spank a grown-up son.
I was just wondering what ideas, you the viewers had? Is there anything the youth of today do and get away with that annoys you? Of course, it does not have to be the youth. I have a young man coming to visit me very soon who is in his early 30's. I wonder what crimes he could have committed?
Anyway, I just thought I'd throw it out there. I would be very interested in hearing your ideas and who knows, you may well see them come alive on screen!
2nd May 2016 08:33 | LAST COMMENT 349 weeks ago
Coming across fascinating and captivating Male to Male Spanking movies is an unforgettable gay experience. Even a usual gay sex video that doesn’t feature spanking sessions leaves out a very vital component of the thrill. Several ingredients go into making superb spanking sessions in the movies. No one wants to watch gay spanking video action played along by weaklings who cannot even last five minutes. The force of the spanks should ideally vary from tender and romantic to rough and unapologetic; from a low to a crescendo that leaves the one spanking and his victim as well as the viewers breathless.
In most cases, unless it is technically deliberate, absolute silence form the actors in gay spanking movie sessions does no good to anyone. Appropriate sound effect brings out an aura of romance and passion. The sounds can of course come from various sources. Leading in this is the actual voices of the players. When they produce these voices naturally as the action goes along, it gives it the feel of authenticity; the groans and sighs have profound erotic effect on both actors and viewers of gay spanking videos.
The curves defining the muscles of the participants in gay spanking videos should simply throw the cast and the audience as well into fantasy world. These curves do a great service in enhancing the visibility of the movements of the spanker as well as the reaction of the recipient. Watch as the muscles flex and relax in response to the exhilarating sensation experienced by the studs. The viewers often get carried along and crave to be part of the action, if the bulges on their pants are anything to go by. So models shape up or risk shipping out if the body shapes are sure spoilers in making gay spanking movies. Of course, it is not just the presence of these characteristics that goes to the making of sensational Mala to Male spanking videos.
(Muscle Guy Andy Lee watching pal Lewis in this spanking video.
There are some considerations to make in producing gay spanking videos. The poses and positions of the mates during the spanking sessions are crucial. Avoiding a monotonous position during gay spanking is one sure way of keeping the attention and focus of the audience in place. Every change in position brings in new anticipations. The styles and positions give varying degrees of pleasure both to the viewers and the cast in gay videos. Gay spanking in movies should be well timed to avoid fatigue on the part of the cast and the viewers as well. Some fondling with the cock of the stud being spanked is important. It is a perfect way of easing the anxiety and possible discomfort that he might be going through since ultimately the fun is finally in shooting those loads in the end.
Nothing brings greater erotic sensation than MM spanking in gay movies. When a guy goes ahead to subdue his love to the point of lashing a naked gay spanking it brings out the feeling of complete dominion on one part and complete submission on the other.
"""From Dave - this was submitted from a member who wishes to remain anonymous and they also asled me to apologise as English is not their first language and they hoped that they still managed to expalin properly.""
5th August 2016 16:19 | LAST COMMENT 367 weeks ago
26th January 2017 09:58 | LAST COMMENT 421 weeks ago
Here is a wonderful collection of all the Straight Lads Spanked models created by member Mylene88. I think it's wonderful. Thanks Mylene!
15th August 2014 04:57 | LAST COMMENT 421 weeks ago
So we are currently working behind the scenes to come up with a system for alerting you when someone has posted a review or comment on an individual movie page. It should work in a similar way to how the blogs work.
However, in the meantime, I have set up this blog as a means of alerting other members that you have left a comment on a movie page.
As much as possible, I want to keep discussions about individual movies on the particular movie page. It just means that they are always there and relevant and easy to find.
So in short, if you were to leave a comment on say Bailey's Bath Brush Beating, then simply come on here and say
"new comment on Bailey's Bath Brush Beating"
14th February 2015 10:20 | LAST COMMENT 433 weeks ago
Just wondering if anyone fancies a bonus movies this week?
5th August 2016 16:41 | LAST COMMENT 446 weeks ago

5th August 2016 16:28 | LAST COMMENT 446 weeks ago
5th August 2016 16:22 | LAST COMMENT 446 weeks ago
5th August 2016 16:21 | LAST COMMENT 446 weeks ago
5th August 2016 16:17 | LAST COMMENT 446 weeks ago
5th August 2016 16:16 | LAST COMMENT 446 weeks ago
5th August 2016 16:13 | LAST COMMENT 446 weeks ago
5th August 2016 16:11 | LAST COMMENT 446 weeks ago
5th August 2016 16:08 | LAST COMMENT 446 weeks ago
5th August 2016 16:05 | LAST COMMENT 446 weeks ago
5th August 2016 16:03 | LAST COMMENT 446 weeks ago
5th August 2016 16:01 | LAST COMMENT 446 weeks ago
5th August 2016 05:12 | LAST COMMENT 446 weeks ago
29th July 2016 05:41 | LAST COMMENT 447 weeks ago
The movie are avaibale to purchase individually without membership at my Clips4Sale store which you can find here.
5th May 2016 14:00 | LAST COMMENT 458 weeks ago
The discussions on the topic corporal punishment in American schools today is on the decline as is the action itself. Corporal punishment, which is defined as any punishment which physical force is used with the intention of causing pain or harm, is still administered in some American schools. Statistics has shown that over the years there has been a decline in corporal punishment.
The history of corporal punishment in American schools is still a grey area that needs more research to be carried out. It is however believed that corporal punishment was brought by the early settlers from Europe. This was among the many existing practices of their own that they brought to America. There is documentation of whipping with a switch made from branches and twigs in the earliest literature.
in the late 19th century some districts specified the use of certain implements in the punishment of children. Alameda district in California passed a regulation in 1893 requiring the use of leather strap in punishing the kids. The leather strap was to be used in the palm of the hand but this practice did not become popular in the USA. In the New York state it was used to a certain extent as revealed in a case in 1880.
It is not clear when the use of wooden paddle was adopted as an implement in administering punishment, but it remains the most popular instrument in punishing students in America. The earliest mention of the the word paddle was in a news item after school punishment had gone to extreme extents in an Iowan school. They described the paddle as being three feet in length, one and half inch in thickness and one and half inches in width. The paddle was created with the intention of punishing the boy child as described in a newspaper editorial back in 1908. The article described the area of the body that the paddle could be used on as being very suitable and not susceptible to mortal wounds. It was covered with bones abundantly covered with muscular tissues and there was no danger of breaking them. The paddle was also used in the American colleges and by the end of 1930s it had become the main instrument of use in corporal punishment in most districts across several states. Critics reveal that the paddle was more favored than the switch. This is because of its weight and solidity which was effective through thick clothing such as the denim jeans.
It is also documented in history that some paddles had holes drilled in them. This was so as to reduce air resistance while increasing the effectiveness of the punishment. However such acts have since been dissallowed by most school district regulations because there was that it increases the chances of bruising.
The rattan cane had been the preffered instrument of choice in Boston public schools until the 1960s. It was referred to as the Boston rattan and was applied to the students hand. The use of rattan cane was abolished in a Masachusetts schools in 1972 while it was abolished from St. Louis Missouri in 1981 where it had also been in use.
It is important to note that New Jersey was the first state to make an attempt at abolishing corporal punishment in 1867 which was successful. An attempt to reintroduce punishment in schools was made in Newark New Jersey and it was also rejected. This was in 1894 and the instrument of use if it had passed would have been the rattan cane. In 1900 a school in New Jersey got around this by requiring the parents to punish their unruly children.
Rubber hose was also another non standard instrument which was used in administering punishment in American schools. Areas that the instrument was used include New Mexico, Vermont, New York and Ohio.
Big city school districts especially in the north abolished punishment in schools long before the states in which they were located had abolished it. New York City is a good example having abolished Corporal punishment in schools in 1870 while in New York state it was discontinued in 1985.
The use of physical punishment in college and university may seem surprising to many but it happened. Nortwestern University in Chicago had spanking of students being carried out by the campus police while the at University of Missouri it was carried out by the senior students who had official approval from the school. At the University of Missouri it was a tradition that had been started in 1905 and was upheld by a vote of the student body in 1920. Spanking was also done at the University of Washington in Seattle. It was however banned in 1914.
Spanking and paddling of students by the schools had been a topic of discussion over the years. The contentious topic was brought before the US supreme court. The supreme court ruled that paddling or spanking of students by school authorities or teachers is lawful where it has not been explicitly outlawed by the local authorities. A decision that still stands up to date.
Over the recent years, punishment incidences in American schools has sharply declined. Only 31 states have abolished punishment in public schools while it is permitted in the other 19 states. In Arkansas, Alabama and Mississippi it remains a widespread practice. In the following six states; Oklahoma, Lousiana, Tennesse, Texas, Georgia and Missouri, punishment is a routine but mostly in rural or small towns. The incidences of punishment in schools is close to negligible in proportion to school enrollment in the following states; Wyoming, Arizona, South Carolina, Colorado, Florida, North Carolina, Idaho, Kansas, Indiana and Kentucky. Delaware in 2003, Pennsylvania in 2005 and New Mexico are the latest states to abolish to abolish punishment in schools. The number of paddling had however fallen to low levels. In Wyoming, Missouri, North Carolina, Texas and Louisiana, efforts to abolish punishment by legislation has failed. Attempts to reintroduce corporal punishmnet in California, Montana, Iowa and Oregon have also failed.
Ruling by the US supreme court in 1975 allowed children to be spanked by the schools against their parents wish subject to certain criteria being met. In 2011 Texas and Nort California introduced laws giving parents the right to exempt their daughters or sons from school punishment. All they needed to do was to fill out the form provided.
How Punishment was/is Administered in Schools
The most common method of administering corporal punishment in US schools is by the use of a wooden paddle across the students clothed posterior. This was done after removing anything found in the back pockets. In rare instances the paddle would be made of perspex or poly carbonate material. Two or three strokes referred to as swats or licks consisted a typical punishment. The offender was required to present his bottom to be disciplined while staying clear of any furniture. The feet were placed well apart to offer stability.
The preferred method nowadays is having the offender bend over a bench or chair. He may also be required to put his hand on the desk and lean a few degrees forward from the vertical position. This was mainly used for punishing boys. Girls fashion did not allow such form of punishment to be administered to them especially if they are wearing skirts as it would violate their rights and attract a lot of controversies.
Hands on the wall was also another technique used.The most formal technique was to have the student bend over the back of a chair.His feet would be apart and he would hold onto front for stability. This technique was popularly used for taller and senior students.
Coach Andy Dishing Out The Paddle In Locker Room Spanking
Venue of /Person Administering Punishment
In the past physical punishment was administered in the hallways or inside the classroom. Nowadays punishment is administered in a private office away from the public. The culprit is often administered by the principal or assistant principal or at least in their presence. In Texas and Oklahoma the schools have regulations that physical punishment is only by administrators only.The are rules to be followed before administering physical punishment. This specific documentation and bureacratic procedures protects the children from the anger of the teachers. They only get punished for genuine offences.
Who gets Punished?
In 1898 in Cincinnati Ohio, they made it explicit that only boys could be punished. Nowadays, in most place both males and females are punished in schools. There are reports of teenage girls being paddled in Pennyslvania and in 1988 a girls high school demanded to be paddled. They claimed that boys had a choice to choose between physical punishment and detention while girls on the other hand only had detention. This to them was an unfair treatment. Statistics suggests that 75% to 85% of the paddlings administered are for male students. This may be partly becuase boys are more likely to commit punishable offences than there female counterparts.
It has also become a public practice that the punishment is to be administered by or in front of a member of the same sex. This is to protect the female child from fears arising if they were to be spanked by the male teachers.
Punishable Age
Statistics indicate that boys between the age of 13 to 17 are punished more than any other age group. In most American Schools there are no age limits required for physical punishment to be administered. Any body from the age of 4 to 19 is eligible for physical punishment with majority of paddling taking place between the grades of 9 to 12.
Rules and regulations Governing Physical Punishment in American Schools
Many public shools as well as some private schools have laid down rules for administering physical punishments. This rules are published in the school conduct or separately under the school code of conduct. This rules specify which offences warrants physical punishment to be administered, part of the body to be punished and who is responsible for disciplining the offender. They also state if parental consent is necessary and actions to be taken in case the student refuses punishment. Some handbooks also stipulate the number of maximum swats/licks to be delivered.
Punishable Offences
The following offences may warrant physical punishment; fighting, dress code and grooming violations, tardiness, defiance, misbehaviour on school bus, parking/ driving offences, profanity, smoking, bullying, missing detention, skipping Saturday school, violating detention among many others. The offences are normally specified in the school handbook and the number of swats to be received are also indicated.
In the recent times paddling has become a choice for either the student or parent or both. The older teens are normally offered a choice between spanking and detention.
Effects of Physical Punishment on the Student
Paddling effects vary depending on the force applied, and to some extent students size, build and physical resilience. The students usually experience sharp pain that lasts for a while. Paddling if administered accurately leaves the battocks harmlessly bruised for several days and it does not cause bleeding or injury. Paddling may also reult into yelps tears and red faces.
Even though corporal punishment is still present in some American schools the number has dropped significantly throughout the years. Paddling is more common between Kindergarten up to eighth grade while it is less common in high school. Students are hit on the buttocks with a wooden paddle with their hands on a desk or chair in a bent over position. This mostly occur in private confines.
Studies have shown that paddling lowers school achievement,tendency towards school avoidance, antisocial behavior and may also lead to dropping out of schools. The funny thing is that the federal government has banned physical punishment in prisons but it is still practised in schools.
29th April 2016 08:16 | LAST COMMENT 459 weeks ago
The word corporal punishment may be strange to the current generation as the action itself. Corporal punishment ( which is derived from latin word meaning body) is the use of physical means or force to inflict pain on an individual. It was often done to correct one's behavior. In the ancient times teachers were very strict and they used to beat children. This was the societal norm.
Corporal Punishment History in British Schools
For a long time physical punishment was part of the disciplinary process in British schools. It was also part of the education process and was fully supported by the government. Despite England and Wales having different forms of education the government set a rule that all forms punishment were to be recorded in a punishment book. In both countries local education authorities (LEA) that had been formed in 1902 set rules to govern these punishments. The number of strokes to be administered was laid down by only two LEAs. Eighteen of them required punishment to be carried out in private while ten required the presence of a witness during the act. Nearly half of the LEAs supported the notion that only female teachers could punish girls. In their quest to achieve equality LEA of Oxfordshire and Inner London, laid down the rule that only men were permitted to cane boys. Some LEAs forbade the caning of girls in the buttocks but permitted they be canned on the hand. For boys they could be canned on the hand or their clothed buttocks. Some LEAs restricted themselves by preventing teachers from hitting pupils other body parts especially the boxing ears or hitting the head. The number of staff allowed to inflict corporal punishment was also restricted. The LEA of Bradford required that punishment should be done immediately after the offence and not postponed the way some schools used to. However the LEA of Shropshire, Witshire and Newcastle allowed for a period of cooling off before administering the punishment.
In the early days of state education Corporal punishment had its disputes. It is recorded that in 1894 a teacher was successfully prosecuted and fined for assault. It was in rare instances that cases of punishment reached the prosecution stage and majority of the verdict was that they were reasonable thus lawful.
It should be noted, coporal punishment was not compulsory to all the schools in the country. By 1970's it is estimated that about 20% had abolished the use of punishment in their schools. It should also be noted that punishment girls schools was very rare.
Up to 1980 no LEA had made an attempt to ban corporal punishment. However by 1973,the Inner London Education Authority had already banned punishment in primary schools. This happened after the Plowden report published in 1967. This report resulted to corporate punishment in schools of the state being considered as a major issue. In 1987,England banned the use of cane in secondary schools funded by the state. However other independent schools continued with corporal punishment until 1998 when it was fully outlawed to all schools.
Forms of corporal Punishment
Caning was very prevalent in boys school. Smoking was the most popular caning offence. Other punishments that attracted caning included bullying, insolence, cheating, missing detention and truancy. Typical cane was used in secondary schools was 36 to 40 inches long. It was referred to as the rattan cane. It was mainly used for punishing boys. In administering the punishment the student would be caned vigorously. These would leave tramlines and painful weals on the buttocks of the student which would last for several days. In some instances bruises would also occur. In mixed sex schools, boys were disciplined more vigorously than the girls. Boys were canned on their buttocks. It was prohibited to do that to a female student. Only the hand was supposed to be punished. Doctors had warned about the possible dangers of canning schoolgirls who they said might be suffering pain as a result of menstruation or nervous strain.
Leather Strap (tawse)
This was used in relatively fewer places in England and majorly in Scotland. It was a leather strap which include two or three tails It was used for administering punishment on the boys buttocks. In Scotland and in Newcastle it was administered on the hand to both sexes. Places like Manchester the schools were at liberty to use this form of punishment.
Bend Over-
In this form of discipline a pupil is commanded so as to receive punishment on his posterior. There is major rule as to how it should be done. However the most common method was to have the offender spread across the desk. Another method is to have the students to touch theirs toes with the legs straight and leaving their posterior protruding behind for the teacher to administer punishment. The chair was also used where instead of the offender touching the toes they touch the chair while bending over their back.
The Slipper-
A slipper is a big, heavy gym school. It is a form of punishment that is mainly administered in the form of classmates. boys were the biggest victims. The teacher would hold the slipper by it's heel and apply the sole to the offender. Others preferred using it the other way round. It was a quick affair and the lesson would on as scheduled without further ado.
Pants down punishment-
The offender would have to undress probably in a private room before the punishment was administered. After that he would dress up and go to back to normal school activities.
Karl in the Consequeses of Cheating - Wait Till Yuur Father Gets Home
Spanking was the norm of life in the British School. It involved hitting the posterior of the offender using the hand. It was mainly done to children who were mainly below ten years. This was their main form of discipline. Teachers often sid that it encouraged them to be morally upright.
In conclusion, all corporal punishment was banned from British schools by 1998 and any person found performing the act is punishable by law. However it is only legal if used by parents. However in Scotland passed a legislation that banned parental corporal punishment.
29th April 2016 04:28 | LAST COMMENT 459 weeks ago
I have had been sent some articles about Spanking and Corporal Punishment in general from a member which I have found really interesting. So I have decided that I am going to share them here for you all to enjoy.
It got me thinking that maybe some of you have your own stories that you have written that you would also like me to share here on this blog?
I would be more than happy to do so. The only requirement I have is that the topic must be loosely relevant to the this site, though they don't specifically have to be about MM Spanking. So would be happy to also post about MF spanking too for example. Clearly there can't be anything that sexualises children. Finally, I also need to insist that the articles have never appeared online before as I want to keep the content on here unique.
25th December 2015 02:58 | LAST COMMENT 477 weeks ago
Well I hope everyone is having a lovely day... I've taken Daisy to Scotland and she is having a brilliant day with all my family. She has really enjoyed opening all her presents. Anyway, I hope you are all safe, warm & happy.
7th May 2014 05:22 | LAST COMMENT 480 weeks ago
So I received an email today from a member just chatting about the site and why they like it. They explained that they did not really see it as sexual but that they felt most of the spankings on Straight Lads Spanked were dished out with some kind of love and care. Wether it was from Dad, Older Brother, Uncle or even, dare I say it, Mr X!
They also mentioned that growing up, often the only way that they would receive attention from their Dad was when they were naughty and were getting punished...
This is not the first time someone has says something similar. In fact, another member said that Straight Lads Spanked presented the whole punishment, not just the spanking!
But I have also had members say that they like it because of the masculine models that I used and seeing a big strapping (slightly arrogant) guy like Bailey getting brought down a peg and spanked liked a naughty kid is a real thrill!
So really, I thought I would open it up here and ask, what it is that you like about the site? Is there a particular theme of movies you like more than others?
I do find it all very interesting and useful!
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked
17th July 2015 11:41 | LAST COMMENT 498 weeks ago
Hello Everyone!
So it seems like Chris has been popular so far! The good news is that I have persuaded him to come in for an interview over the weekend. So this is a chance to ask him anything that you wish! Of course I realise you have hardly seen him so it might be tricky to think of questions, but this is your chance. Just leave them in the comments below!
20th June 2015 16:13 | LAST COMMENT 502 weeks ago
So Kevin has made a couple of movies with me. Both times he messed up and messed me around. However, he was made to pay a painful price for that.
So the question is! Do you think Kevin deserves to come back to film and more to the point, would you like to see him?
17th June 2015 12:25 | LAST COMMENT 505 weeks ago
This movie shows the dramatic build up and very real life dilemma for young lad Kevin.
Kevin turned up late for second time running and was surprised to find the camera already running when he arrived at my door.
This movie which has previously been available in the members area is available to view for just 24 hours!
(I'm sorry but this movie is no longer available to view free of charge)
6th June 2015 14:08 | LAST COMMENT 506 weeks ago
So there has been some comments recently about the appearance of some models (in particular new lad Aaron) and in turn that has led to some comments from people not liking people leaving negative comments about the models appearance..
So I guess I wanted to bring the discussion to one place and also explain how I feel about it and what I feel is acceptable or not.
Ok so here goes! I think when you are dealing with fetish movies that involve models then it is perfectly normal that we are going to have feelings about the appearance of the model. Sometimes these will be feelings of approval and sometimes it will be the opposite.
So is it acceptable to make comments about the look of the model? Well I think it is. No one complains if people point out the positive things they like about the model (like Ryan's stomach or Fraser's puppy dog eyes) so I think it should also be fine to point out the things you don't like. As long as comments are not made with malicious intent then I think it's ok.
I think it's all about the way it is put across really.
For example, saying "I can't stand Bailey movies because he is so ugly" would be a out of order. Beauty is of course in the eye of the beholder! Saying, "I can't stand Bailey movies because his looks are not to my taste" is much more acceptable.
What about talking about someones weight or body fat? Again, I guess it all depends on how it is said. "Saying that you don't find the model attractive because you prefer thinner guys or a washboard stomach is not being nasty, it's just honest. Whereas just calling someone fat is a bit unpleasant!
As the producer I thrive on feedback from the members. So saying that I only want positive feedback would not work very well. I also have to remember that people like the movies for different reasons. Some really like the characters and dialogue and stories, however some just like the look of the model and will fast forward until the pants get pulled down! There is no right or wrong!
So as long as everything plays nice and is not nasty then all comments good and bad are very welcome!
I encourage all comments, if enough people say they really like someone then I will be inclined to get them back quickly, similarly if enough people say they don't like the look of a model then I will also take that onboard.
It's a really tricky one to try and explain!
Dave x
PS From what I have read so far, Aaron will definitely be coming back!
13th November 2014 08:27 | LAST COMMENT 509 weeks ago
This is the place where you can writie your own Straight Lads Spanked stories!
1st March 2015 15:25 | LAST COMMENT 509 weeks ago
So I've been asked a lot about the mask I wear when I play Dad and how it all works. It's really difficult to try and explain it. The mask is an all-in-one silicone mask that comes down to my chest. This video here will explain it in much more detail.
20th May 2015 14:01 | LAST COMMENT 509 weeks ago
Hey Everyone!
It looks like Sebastian is popping round tomorrow and I was thinking I might interview him. So if anyone has any questions they would like me to ask him, then please leave them in the comments below!
2nd May 2014 12:45 | LAST COMMENT 509 weeks ago
One conversation I have time and time again is whether or not I produce gay spanking movies. I had it again when I went home for Christmas and was discussing Straight Lads Spanked with my brother and he kept on referring to it as my gay website.
I tried to explain to him that it's not a gay website and I am not producing gay spanking videos but I am simply producing spanking movies. Or to be exact, mm spanking movies.
It's an interesting one when it comes to fetishes. I think in many ways having a fetish does not represent your sexuality. I know for example that there are many women who are members of the website. I am fairly certain that there are also men who identify as being straight that also enjoy mm spanking movies. If there are, maybe you could say hello here?
I also realised though that if you are searching online for mm spanking movies it is probably normal that you would put "gay spanking movies" into the search engine.
Anyway, i realise it does not matter in the big scheme of things and I personally have an issue with people feeling the need to have to fit into a category. We should all be free to enjoy whatever we like without labelling!
I think there are movies out there that very much could fit into the category of gay spanking videos, where you have two guys that are having intimate, enjoyable sexual spanking scenarios.
I'm not sure the lads on my site find the spanking scenarios at all intimate sexual or enjoyable! lol!
31st August 2014 05:49 | LAST COMMENT 510 weeks ago
Hey, it was really fun last time when we voted on the next movie release so I thought I would do it again!
So here are another three movies for you to choose from.
Spanking competition - Part Two - Wayne & Fred
Parker - Office Bully
Wayne & Adam - Wait Till Your Father Gets Home - Part Two
So please watch the preview videos below and place your vote. Oh and it would be nice for you to leave a comment saying who you voted for and why!
Parker - Office Bully
Spanking Competition - Part Two - Wayne & Fred
Wayne & Adam - Wait Till Your Father Gets Home!
15th June 2014 09:18 | LAST COMMENT 510 weeks ago
Hello Everyone!
So I may have blogged about this subject recently, but I just wanted to talk some more about it.
It has been astonishing to me how many female members that are now active members of Straight Lads Spanked.
I for one, think it is fantastic!
Especially since I have heard that so many similar tales of woman being trolled, abused or whatever for participating in gay spanking sites. That is simply awful!
It has just proven even more that I was right to stick to my principles from the beginning and ensure that my movies were about punishment and not sex. Straight Lads Spanked clearly is a MM Spanking site but it is certainly not a gay MM spanking site producing gay spanking movies. If you had to categorise it I guess you would call it a MM punishment website producing mm spanking punishment movies.
Of course, lets be clear, there is nothing wrong at all with gay websites producing gay spanking films. Nothing at all. I can certainly see how the combination of sexual activity and spanking can be highly erotic for many and I'm delighted that there are websites out there that produce that type of gay, erotic spanking movies.
We now even have a gay woman who is an active member of the website and for me that was something I never expected but truly embrace and now fully understand.
Then I discovered through a recent posting in the Ask Dave blog about the absence of females (mothers, sisters Aunts and so on) in traditional MM Spanking movies and how much of a part they play in my movies. It was also something I had never really considered before but it was nice to have it pointed out and in fact, any alternative where the lads did not have female figures around them would seem bizarre to me.
So I just wanted to make it 100% clear that this site is open and welcome to anyone who likes mm spanking movies. You have my word that you will never get flamed, attacked for joining in. In fact quite the opposite!
It does distress me a little knowing now that female spanking fans have had such a hard time on other sites that it makes me somehow want to climb to the highest point and shout "Woman Who Like Spanking Are Welcome At Straight Lads Spanked)
If there is anyone that is a member of any blogs or whatever that feels like spreading the word, that would be awesome!
Oh and if there are any other female members lurking around and not quite sure how or where to make the first comment or whatever, then why not do it here. You will be truly welcomed!
14th February 2015 11:06 | LAST COMMENT 511 weeks ago
Here is a short interview I made with Andy Lee and his mate Matt! I hope you enjoy it!
You can see the first video that they made together here!
23rd April 2015 14:39 | LAST COMMENT 511 weeks ago
Ok so after last week's voting Ryan - Wait Till Your Father Gets Home emerged as the winner, though it was very close! So I have decided to add another movie into the mix and reset the voting! So please have a watch and then place the vote on the movie you would like to see released next week
The movies to choose from are..
Scott - Must Try Harder
Brother In Charge - Part 10 - Fred
Matt - Bubble Bath Blues
Once you have placed your vote it would be fun if you leave a comment below stating which movie you voted on and why.
Only rule to this game is that unless I say otherwise, I don't want you to reveal in the comments below which movie is in the lead.
Have Fun!
Scott - Must Try Harder
Brother In Charge - Part 10 - Fred
Matt - Bubble Bath Blues
27th February 2015 11:46 | LAST COMMENT 512 weeks ago
Hey Everyone, it's all a bit last minute, but Fred may be visiting tomorrow and I am planning to interview him. So if anyone has anything they would like me to ask him, please leave your questions below!
19th April 2015 11:02 | LAST COMMENT 513 weeks ago
Voting Has Now Closed
'Ryan - Wait Till Your Father Gets Home' was the winner..
So this week I am allowing you to vote on which movie you would like to see released. The options are...
Scott - Must Try Harder
Ryan - Wait Till Your Father Gets Home
Matt - Bubble Bath Blues
Once you have placed your vote it would be fun if you leave a comment below stating which movie you voted on and why.
Only rule to this game is that unless I say otherwise, I don't want you to reveal in the comments below which movie is in the lead.
Have Fun!
28th February 2013 08:50 | LAST COMMENT 513 weeks ago
So I am just putting the finishing touches to tomorrows brand new movie release! This new movie features more guys in suits! More spanking and complete humiliation! Also, Mr X receives a phone call which paves the way for some great spanking!
Here is a photo I took on set on the day of filming...
13th April 2015 15:57 | LAST COMMENT 514 weeks ago
I was just reflecting today on the amount of full-length spanking movies I have produced in just over three years of production. I have now made over 200 male spanking videos! Wow! I never thought when I first started that I would still be here now having more fun than ever making these male, punishment movies.
There has been so many highs along the way for me. From the very beginning when I first got Andy Lee and Baily Morgan to film for me. I had this idea in my head of the direction I wanted to go down with Straight Lads Spanked and it all began with "Builders In Trouble" movies.
I suppose thinking back experimenting with ideas like the "Spank Jenga" movies was also really exciting. Getting masculine, straight lads in forfeit scenarios where you have friends spanking each other not easy to achieve and took a lot of persuasion!
I think also working with real life brothers like Andy Lee and his brothers Patrick and Dan and also Oliver & Fred was something I never dreamed would happen. Then, progressing to having the brothers spanking each other in a realistic setting was just so exciting. I really liked how “Brother’s at War" ended up.
Production of these mm spanking moves reached another level when Art my editor joined the team and to this day he never fails to impress and excite me with the marvellous and innovative way he transforms the raw footage I send him, into something so brilliant! I feel truly blessed to have Art involved.
Oh and of course, if I don't meniton my awesome web designer Stuart then I make wake up and find the entire mm spanking website has been deletd!
Something else that I never expected to happen was that some of the guys who get spanked in the videos would end up being friends of mine.
Lastly, though and by no means least is of course the wonderful members. All of you who have supported what I do. That leave wonderful comments on the movies and just get involved in so many ways. Everything I do now is for you and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
4th April 2015 08:05 | LAST COMMENT 515 weeks ago
Hey Everyone, if you use a mobile device to access the website you will have probably noticed by now that we are in the process of creating a mobile friendly version of the website!
It's lookng great and works really quickly!
It's nearly complete and should be working well. If anyone has any issues or suggestions, please leave a comment below!
11th June 2014 17:34 | LAST COMMENT 518 weeks ago
This was submitted by Uchikimatsu
(I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did)
Glancing at the clock on his phone for the third time, Dave noted the hour with slight irritation and navigated to the site while waiting, making his way to the Suggestion Blog. He occasionally gleaned inspiration from the banter between members, and although he already had a pretty good idea about the day’s shoot, he thought it couldn’t hurt to spare a glance at anything new that might have come up.
It really wasn’t typical for Andy to be this late, and although it was only a mild annoyance, a shoot rarely went perfectly and he preferred to keep to schedule. Before Dave could tap the home button to check the time yet again, he heard Andy let himself in and decided his late arrival was not worth mentioning. Cameras were already in place and furniture arranged, but as was his wont to do, large gaps in storyline and dialog were left undecided until and in between filming. Andy had been with him since the start of his venture and being able to rely on Andy during the creative process made him more than just one of the models, it made him a friend, and Dave was relieved when Andy finally poked his head into the sitting room, the familiar grin sitting easily on his whiskery face. Something – he couldn’t have said what – seemed wrong when Andy passed through the door to greet him, but they were already too far behind schedule now for Dave to be concerned about it.
“Listen, Andy, we’re not doing a builder story so I…. What’s that?”
There were soft shuffling noises coming from just outside the sitting room door. Andy glanced toward door, knitting his eyebrows, and countered with a rather unconvincing, “What’s what?”
“That!” Dave pointed at the door and at the murmuring that could be heard in the foyer. A low giggle followed by a sharp slap was clearly audible and Dave swung his finger from the direction of the door to Andy’s nose. It was then he realized what was wrong about his friend. Andy wasn’t dressed for the storyline they had planned.
Andy covered his mouth and coughed loudly twice, obviously a signal to the boys who now fell into the room all at once in a tangle wearing nervous grins and shoving at each other, evidently none of whom wanted to be on the frontline. Eventually it was Patrick that ended up in the lead, possibly feeling bold for the presence of his big brother, or possibly just the pawn of bad luck. Oliver and Bailey paused behind him, bottlenecked by the arrangement of furniture and cameras.
“Come on, then,” Dave said, gesturing the lads into the room. His gaze reached Andy’s face, scanning it for any clue as to why his sitting room was now full of jittery, albeit gorgeous young men; not that he was opposed to such things, but it just wasn’t on the schedule.
Andy wasn’t looking at him, though; he was looking over at his brother, Patrick, while Oliver and Bailey shared a look between each other. They all seemed to exchange a collective thought and turned to Dave at once, shouting, “Happy birthday, Dave!”
It was immediately apparent what they had in store for him. His birthday celebrations were long over now, but their jumble of nervous grins and uneasy shuffling told tales on them. He would let them have their fun, of course. In fact, he probably didn’t have much choice in the matter, and it could be entertaining for him too, he mused.
Every birthday spanking he administered, at least one to each of them and more than one to some he noted, had been a scripted affair for sake of website and wallet. Evidence of their genuine respect and affection was obvious in the arrangement of this day for him that had nothing to do with business. A wide grin spilled across his face before he was able to school his features back into the inscrutable air typically worn by Mr. X.
In a moment he was face down over the arm of his own sofa, the soft brown leather cool and comforting on his clean-shaven cheek. Someone gently pried the iPhone from his hand and he realized it was Andy, bent low, tilting his head to grin widely at him. “Ha, ha!”
His friend grabbed both his hands, pushing them into the cushions of the couch. He felt other powerful hands gripping both of his legs and pressing firmly into the center of his back. Without any warning at all a rain of quick smacks fell onto his upturned bottom accompanied by a round of nervous giggles.
After the first few swats the lads found their confidence and their voices. The slaps became increasingly harder as they laughed and shouted over one another.
“Happy birthday, Dave!”
“There you go!”
“Smack harder!”
“That’s it!”
They managed to change places without letting up on the spanking, the blows from four different hands landing everywhere on his bottom at random intervals, the inability to predict and prepare for them making the ordeal much more painful and frustrating. Without wanting to, he tried to stand; however, it was now Patrick restraining his wrists. The boy looked a little hesitant, and he definitely wasn’t above using that to his advantage by directing his best Mr. X scowl at him. Patrick simply looked toward what could only have been his brother, then back down at Dave, and offered a sympathetic shrug, smiling ruefully. “Hurts like a bitch, don’t it?” the boy offered quietly.
And it did, indeed, hurt like a bitch. Not that his labors were effective, but he was straining to stand, or kick, or reach behind him, or even move his hips for just a moment’s reprieve from the onslaught. At least he wasn’t yelling, he hadn’t suffered that particular indignity quite yet, but it didn’t seem too far off. The cushion of the sofa had warmed to his skin now and was becoming damp with sweat. Just when Dave formed the humiliating notion that he’d have to actually order them to stop, he realized he was free and the spanking had finally ended.
He stood and turned, using both palms to wipe sweat from the hairline at his temples. “Ok,” he said softly, “had your fun, then?” He really should have known that wasn’t going to be the end of it. He really should have known before spying the four of them lined up like the most scrumptious firing squad anyone ever wanted to face, arms resting across their muscled chests, looking all too pleased with themselves, that they certainly had not had all their fun yet. After all, when did a birthday spanking from Mr. X ever begin or end on the seat of anyone’s jeans?
“I think you know what comes next,” said Andy, playing ringleader and spokesman. “Forty, now, is it?” He did nothing to mask the delight in his voice. “Oh, and with the cane! Ten over those jeans, twenty over your shorts, and ten on the bare bottom. That’s ten from each of us.” Dave made a mental note to wipe that shit-eating grin right off Andy’s face during the next shoot. Right. Off.
“Alright, Ok, lads.” Dave said good-naturedly, hoping he sounded more confident than he felt about taking forty with the cane, especially from these boys who’d all taken some harsh punishments from him and might feel entitled to a wee bit of revenge. The other risk being some silent contest developing between these competitive mates for who could make Dave yell the loudest.
Oliver was already sliding the small, straight-backed chair from its regular place against the wall to sit in the center of the room while Andy fetched the cane. Dave noted with an odd sense of pride that he rightly took the heavier or “senior” cane reserved for over clothing. Andy was playing with the cane, making swishing noises through the air as he walked back toward the group, enjoying, Dave surmised, the rare occasion to be of acquaintance with the other end of the implement. Oliver patted the seat of the chair amiably and stepped back, clapping once and rubbing his hands together in obvious glee. Dave found himself trying to calculate the likelihood of which lad would be administering the cane to his bare bottom. Andy giving him the cane over his jeans was a bit of good luck, but if Bailey ended up with the last ten over his bare bottom, he could be in some trouble.
He let out a slow breath before lowering himself over the back of the chair, resting his hands on the edge of the seat. If he trusted anyone here, he trusted Andy and was confident neither a call for revenge or ambitious competition would compel his friend to harm him.
“That’s right,” Andy said, tapping the seat of the chair with the cane. “Keep your hands right there,” he added unnecessarily, swishing the cane again. “Your birthday spanking. Ten from me, over these jeans.” Dave had to smile a little when Andy pulled and tugged at the waistband of his pants, imitating the man’s own habit of making certain the fabric was pulled tight against the bottom with no wrinkles to temper the swats. A few light taps across the seat of his jeans told him Andy was taking aim for the first swat. Dave took a breath and braced himself.
A loud crack of the cane over rough denim rang in his ears, bounding off the walls of the small room. A fraction of a moment passed before he actually felt the terrible bite across the crown of his cheeks followed by a series of shock waves darting up his spine. Any illusions he had about Andy going easy on him went up in the flames now ignited on his ass. He stood up without thinking, intending to ask what the hell Andy thought he was playing at. He turned around to see his friend smirking. He underlined and then highlighted the mental note about Andy’s grin. Right. Off.
Andy pointed to the chair, and when he turned back around to arrange himself into position, Bailey’s giant frame filled his vision. Dave bent over, placing his hands on either side of the seat and Bailey bent forward, securing his own hands over Dave’s to keep them in place. Both men stood bent, nose to nose, hand over hand, and Bailey looked questioningly at Dave.
“Did you forget something?” He shot a look at Andy who said, “You count your birthday spanks, that was one.”
“Right. One.”
“One what?” This was from Bailey, who, still holding his hands to the chair, was merely centimeters from his own face and oddly intimidating at that distance.
“One, sir!” Dave pronounced loudly. He was going to murder them.
Bailey nodded in approval, a wry smile dimpling one side of his face and repeated quietly, “One, sir.”
There was another tap, crack, and burn. This time he held his position.
“Two, sir!”
“Two, sir,” Bailey echoed softly, nodding once, before letting go of Dave’s hands. Dave kept hold of the chair craning his neck to see what Andy was doing behind him. His attention redirected by the sound of knuckles rapping on wood.
“No,” the big lad said sharply, smirking, using four fingers to tap repeatedly on the center of the seat, “You look here, yeah? Right here.” He tapped again for emphasis. “Right here.” He made separate mental note about Bailey, realizing that his mental notes were becoming novels.
When he had made it through the remainder of Andy’s birthday spanking he stood up and did what he promised himself would never do if ever brought to these circumstances; Dave grabbed his bottom and rubbed it vigorously, attempting to soothe away some of the sting.
“Yeah, that’s right, fuckin’ thing hurts, doesn’t it?” Dave didn’t think Andy’s question required an actual answer, but before he could think of anything clever to say, Patrick piped up.
“You know what’s next! Those jeans are comin’ down!”
He undid the button and zip of his jeans, pushing them down around his thighs without protest. The snug boxer briefs he wore would be a blessing against any stray swats that might accidentally miss their intended mark.
“Whose next, then?” he asked, intending to sound casual, but Andy must have caught a little something desperate in his voice.
“Never you mind,” he said lightly, pushing Dave back into position. Bailey gave another tap on the chair to remind Dave to keep his head forward and eyes down, then with a gesture that should have been a simple ruffle of his short, sandy hair, and would have been from anyone else, Bailey gave Dave’s head a little shove, his forehead missing the center of the seat by millimeters. He didn’t add any new mental notes to the growing list, knowing that it had meant to be affectionate.
His felt his jeans being tugged all the way toward the floor and there was the usual arranging of the waistband and smoothing of the briefs before the next lad took aim.
Tap. Tap. SWAT.
The smack to his briefs didn’t sting nearly as much as the ones he took over his jeans from Andy. There was hesitation in the stroke and he immediately thought “Oliver.”
After recent events still fresh in his mind, and physical reminders almost certainly still lingering on the boy’s backside, the reversal of roles must have made him a bit uneasy. To make matters worse, he heard Andy behind him groan and mutter, “aawww, ya fuckin’ pussy.”
Dave found himself wondering if Oliver hadn’t managed to put aside whatever lingering remorse he was harboring. As far as he was concerned, things were square between them, but Oliver’s hesitation with the cane indicated there’d be one more dialog on that subject.
Thankfully, Andy’s taunting didn’t drive Oliver to overcompensate, although when the cane found its mark again Dave winced. He barely had time to count and process the sting before he heard the cane whistle through the air a third time. He groaned loudly, doubling his resolve to murder them all, and counted the rest of the blows through clenched teeth. When last stroke from Oliver found the soft under curve of Dave’s bottom, he let out a yelp, rising from the chair involuntarily to shield his backside.
“Twenty, sir! Oh, you bastards!”
A strange relief filled him when he saw the cane pass from Oliver to Bailey, until he saw the modest smirk on the lad’s face transform into something akin to gleeful delight. He had little time to contemplate bath brush beatings and bare bottom beltings before he felt the tip of the cane resting on the back of his neck, pressing down. When he gripped the chair again, there was an immediate tap across his shorts and Dave couldn’t help flinching as if it were a hard cut. He didn’t have to anticipate long as Bailey’s first stroke followed swiftly after, clipping the top of his thighs. His fingers curled painfully around the edge of the seat as he hissed out the required count, tagging a loud “fuck!” onto the end of it. Without any time to recover, Bailey threw the next stroke, landing it just above the first one and he yelped, pushing up before he could help himself. Almost in unison, he heard every one of them recite the familiar, “you keep your hands on that chair!” and he chuckled despite the unbelievable burning in his ass. At least at Bailey’s hand the end came quickly, and by the time he reached the last strike, his count escaped in a strangled little whisper.
“Louder,” teased Bailey.
Dave finally managed to croak out a decent, “thirty, sir!” and Bailey parroted him in his quirky little style of approval.
“Ooooh, my turn now!” Patrick stepped over and accepted the cane from Bailey, his eyes bright with an unabashed enthusiasm. “Get them shorts down,” he instructed, smiling affably, his face falling comically when Andy reached over and snatched the cane from his hand.
“Not that one, go get the other one,” Andy ordered his little brother, pointing at the wall where the thinner rattan still hung.
Andy, Oliver, Bailey, Patrick. He had to wonder if the lads didn’t plan it that way to allow him to get through all forty strokes without ending up a puddle on the floor. If so, he’d remember to properly thank whoever conceived that brilliant strategy.
Patrick walked back, swishing the cane, grimacing when the tip snapped his own thigh. Good, thought Dave, suppressing a chuckle. Bent by age and humidity, and much thinner than the senior one, this cane was as difficult to control as a room full of testosterone filled young mates playing spank jenga.
Lifting the waistband of his briefs carefully over his welted bottom, Dave pushed his underwear down to meet his jeans at the floor. Of all the things in the known universe he might have expected at that moment, the noise that came from behind him was never one of them. A bizarre, unintelligible squeal rang off the walls like the screech from an hysterical, teenaged Bieber fangirl.
“Oooohhhh, lookit that red ass! All nice and red!” Andy exclaimed, practically dancing in place with relish.
He placed three asterisks next to the mental note about Andy’s grin. Right. Off.
They all leaned in to look at the mess they had made of his bottom, but only Bailey and Oliver had the good sense to conceal their smirks behind their hands. He felt Patrick take aim, and even the gentle pat over the criss-cross of swollen tram-line weals made him jump. All the aim-taking was for naught though, as the first cut brought the tip of the cane around to bite cruelly into his hip.
Because he knew that cane, he was ready for it. Sucking in a lungful of air around his teeth, he held it, patient as a parent, letting his breath out slowly through pursed lips. There was more shuffling behind him and then, thankfully, murmurs of a short lesson from Andy on usage of the implement. Another tap, light and tentative, preceded a stroke delivered with decidedly improved aim. He could feel the sweat pooling at his shoulders and under his palms, making it ever harder to keep hold of the chair. With every new swat and the strain to keep himself in place, he could feel perspiration travel from his sandy hairline into his lashes to sting his eyes. He wiped at them, first with one hand, and then the other, but only managed to dislodge a contact lens in the process. The hits from Patrick weren’t unkind, but Dave had ceased to feel individual cuts by then and only sensed a throbbing inferno working to devouring his entire backside through the tops of this thighs.
“Dave?” It was Patrick, his cool palm resting against Dave’s back, a tiny blessing conceded to him in his torment.
He must have lost count. He hoped like hell that it was forty.
“Forty, sir,” he managed.
“Yep.” Patrick said, apparently pleased.
He pushed himself up on wobbly legs that didn’t feel designed to hold him. He was grateful the ordeal was over, he was grateful for the love and affection shown to him by these lads, and he was grateful that they were careful with him, but most of all, he just wanted them to go away now. He reached for his shorts when a sharp tsking noise caught his attention.
“Aww,” said Andy, with a soon to be wiped right off his face shit eating grin. Right. Off.
“You know the tradition, Dave. One to grow on.”
Normally he gave the lads a choice between paddle and cane for their “luck” spank, but since they hadn’t used anything but the cane on him, he assumed he’d be getting another stroke from the cane. When they all backed away from him in a wide circle, he looked questioningly over at his friend. He followed Andy’s gaze behind him where Bailey stood, grinning, hands resting casually on slim hips. There wasn’t even time to make a guess what these lads were up to before Bailey moved in to stand astride Dave. Grabbing him around the middle, he was forced to bend forward once more. The big lad bent at the knees and tightened his grip on Dave’s waist, then stood, bringing the man up and off the ground in one swift, easy movement. Legs and arms dangling, red bum perched high on display for what to Dave felt like at least five minutes and was more like three seconds in actual clock-ticking time, Bailey reared back his arm and landed a spectacular sounding spank that caught the underside of Dave’s cheeks, setting his already sore bottom freshly alight.
He was back on his feet before he could worry about taking a header onto the sitting room floor, the lads around him, laughing and pointing at the unfortunate state of his bottom. He heard Patrick squeal “oh, shit!” behind his hand just before one of them, Andy he presumed, poked none too gently at the welt on his hip.
Even bending for his shorts and jeans stretched the skin uncomfortably and he groaned, then groaned again as he buttoned his pants, the layers of fabric feeling rough against his tormented bottom. Andy was the first to offer his hand, an official gesture to indicate the end of the traditional custom, which really, actually wasn’t. “Happy birthday, man.”
“Yeah,” Bailey followed, “Happy birthday.”
“Happy birthday, Mr. X,” Patrick joked, clapping him on the shoulder.
“Happy birthday, Dave,” offered Oliver, with a firm, solemn handshake.
It was entirely possible, Dave mused, looking out at these boys, that he was too overwhelmed to speak. He pretended to arrange his clothing and mop sweat from his forehead with the crook of his sleeve. Swallowing hard he tried his voice and found it.
“Thank you,” he said, sincerely, then added, “I think.”
None of them eager enough to find out just how far Dave’s appreciation extended, all backed toward the door, waving their final goodbyes.
“Ah, Andy,” Dave said, before his friend could follow his mates out the door. Andy turned, eyebrows raised questioningly.
“Where are you going?”
“Down to the pub…with the guys…”
“Ok,” Dave said quietly, more decision in the tone than acquiescence. “No.”
Gesturing over his shoulder at the door with his thumb, Andy shook his head, confused. “No?”
“No. I set aside this afternoon to film a movie, didn’t I?” He bent and scooped up the cane from where it had been discarded across the cushions of the sofa. “I think it’s prudent if we keep to our schedule, don’t you?” With the tip of the cane he hooked the faded black ski mask sitting on a nearby table, flicking it in the air and catching it with his free hand.
Making the cane whistle twice in the air directly in front of the boy’s startled face, Dave pressed further into his personal space and said “Andy, Andy. Shut that door behind you!”
16th July 2014 04:05 | LAST COMMENT 518 weeks ago
Hey Everyone,
So we now have a cool new feature in the blog section. Let me explain how it all works.
So the most recent blog to receive any comment will automatically be pushed to the top of the blog list.
However, even better. Within each blog, the latest thread to have a comment made will be pushed to the top. Not only that, but any comments that are 24 hours or less will show as blue so you can instantly see the new posts. After 24 hours they will revert to yellow.
So is that cool, cool or just dam cool???
31st January 2015 08:58 | LAST COMMENT 525 weeks ago
I do get asked often if it is possible to purchase movies individually without membership? Well the answer is yes. I have a clips store on Clips4Sale.
Here you will find all the movies, however, please note that Straight Lads Spanked members get priority access to the movies for at least 3 weeks before they are available on Clips4Sale.
You can check out the Straight Lads Spanked Clips store here!
31st January 2015 08:48 | LAST COMMENT 525 weeks ago
I am really pleased to announce that I am able to accept Paypal for all membership packages worldwide.
After trialing Paypal across the EU for the past year it has now been rolled out pretty much worldwide.
Epoch. the payment processor that I use have an official relationship now with Paypal.
So this means that you can now join any of the membership options that I have using Paypal. So there is now, no longer any need for using your credit card and worry about having 'charges' appearing on your statement that might need explaining.
This is an official relationship and is fully approved by Paypal.
28th June 2014 10:10 | LAST COMMENT 533 weeks ago
Mini Interview
Hey Everyone, here is a brief interview with Wayne filmed directly after making his Wait Till Your Father Gets Home Movie.
18th July 2015 12:38 | LAST COMMENT 546 weeks ago
Ok well not exactly the latest addition to Straight Lads Spanked, but the latest addition to my life and since you all seem to be a big part of my life I thought I'd share my latest news!
I've become a Dad!
To a gorgeous little puppy called Daisy.
She is just 15 weeks old and for the last two weeks since I've had her she has been terrorising me!
So please say hello to little Daisy...
Here is another pic of little Daisy
(who actually seems to be growing into a giant)
3rd May 2014 14:15 | LAST COMMENT 547 weeks ago
Patrick finally turned up for filmimg, a week late!
I interviewd him before and after filming.
I hope you enjoy and feel free to leave any comments below.
Here is a link to the movie that we made!
30th July 2014 00:40 | LAST COMMENT 548 weeks ago
Hey Everyone!
Looks like I am going to be interviewing Dom this afternoon (in just a few hours time).
It has been a last minute arrangement.
If anyone has anything they would like me to ask him, please leave a comment below!
21st May 2014 14:39 | LAST COMMENT 548 weeks ago
Hey, so we have the ongoing wonderful situation of new members discovering and commenting on some of the older movies.
It seems a shame for these comments to go unnoticed.
So here are where recent comments have been posted and I urge you to get involved and interact!
I also will be spending some time reacting and commenting and generally catching up.
The Making Of "Builder In Trouble'
Clean The Apartment - Andy & Lewis
Uncle Andrew Spanks Naughty Nephew Lee
Real Punishment - Sebastian - Cane, Paddle & Bath Brush
Spank Twister - Four Brothers - Part Two
The Reasons We Like What We Like
9th August 2014 14:55 | LAST COMMENT 548 weeks ago
Andy Lee is currently in training for a Body-Building competition later this year.
He sent me this snap today and told me I could share it with you all.
Thanks Andy!
3rd August 2018 03:47 | LAST COMMENT 549 weeks ago
Hey Everyone!
Ok, lets have some fun. I have decided that you can vote on the next movie that will be released.
You can choose from three movies.
Wayne & Adam - Wait Till Your Father Gets Home
Ryan - Bubble Bath Blues
Coach Bailey - Revenge Is Sweet
The preview videos are available below.
Cast your votes now!
Once you have placed your vote, why not leave a comment below telling us who you voted for and why!
Have Fun!
Wayne & Adam - Wait Till Your Father Gets Home - Part One
Ryan - Bubble Bath Blues
Coach Bailey - Revenge Is Sweet
26th January 2013 13:02 | LAST COMMENT 550 weeks ago
Hey Rasputin! Well you asked for this and I had a hunt and discovered I had it!
You can read where this discussion started here!
Mr X
25th June 2014 10:08 | LAST COMMENT 550 weeks ago
Hey Everyone!
Look at this lovely artwork that member Uchikimatsu made.
18th July 2014 03:03 | LAST COMMENT 552 weeks ago
Hey Everyone!
I hope you are enjoying
Just wanted to let you know that you wont have to wait too long for Part 6 as it's being released as a bonus movie sometime before next friday!
Here is a sneak preview!
15th June 2014 09:44 | LAST COMMENT 554 weeks ago
Hello Everyone!
So having just posted this blog post about the amount of woman that has embraced Straight Lads Spanked I thought it was also the perfect opportunity to address the men who are also fans of mm spanking movies.
Well in particular the guys who identify themselves as being straight!
Again, before I continue, I just want to make it clear that I am some dude that is hung up on people's individual sexuality. Anyone who really knows me, understands that is far from the truth.
However, it has become really clear to me that in the past people from all sexual persuasions have had issues on other gay mm spanking websites.
So I guess I wanted to say hello to all the straight men that are fans and members of Straight Lads Spanked! I have received many emails from straight guys who find it so frustrating that they have had issues and abuse in the past from people saying that if they are into mm spanking videos then they must be gay (or at least a bit bi).
Well of course that is all a load of bollocks!
There is simply no reason why liking to watch mm spanking punishment movies or Corporal Punishment videos in any way has a reflection of your sexuality.
I also am aware that there are straight make members of this website that like my mm spanking movies but feel a little embarrassed to contribute or get involved as they have also previously had a hard time elsewhere!
So I just wanted to also say hello to you, to tell you how welcome you are here and that I feel privileged that you have chosen to join Straight Lads Spanked.
If there are any straight men lurking in the background that have so far not really felt comfortable in contributing them why not do it here! Trust me, you will be made very welcome!
Of course, the same applies to the gay men too! Apparently there are even some gay guys out there that enjoy my spanking films!
Peace Everyone!
17th June 2014 10:32 | LAST COMMENT 554 weeks ago
Hey Everyone!
I am giving away a month's membership to Straight Lads Spanked.
It's really very simple to enter. The competition is also open to current members, so if you happen to win you will be refunded your latest monthly fee. How cool is that?
For ALL The Info Click Here!
The Winner Has Finally Been Revealed!
28th March 2013 17:33 | LAST COMMENT 557 weeks ago
Hey Everyone!
Just wanted to let you know that I will be releasing a full length bonus movie on Tuesday which will be available immediatley for Straight Lads Spanked members.......
Mr X
31st December 2013 09:14 | LAST COMMENT 842 weeks ago
Q: Do you agree the punishment with the model beforehand or does it stop if the model has had enough?
Dale in Bubble Bath Blues ___
Q: We already have popular themes like Wait Till Your Father Gets Home. Do you plan to make new ones in the future?

14th May 2015 10:27 | LAST COMMENT 842 weeks ago
So following on from what started here with Oliver yesterday.
This is what happened today.........
(Please note that the footage is raw and pretty much unedited and filmed just an hour ago. Taken straight off the camera and added directly on here.)
1st June 2014 04:19
So there has been a shift in the list of top ten movies since I posted a few weeks ago!
So here is where it stands this very second
(please bear in mind that this can change at any minute depending on new votes)
1. Oliver - Bath Brush Beating
3. Wait Till Your Father Gets Home - Oliver
4. Spanked Charity Thief - Dom & Adam - The Conclusion
6. Jack - Spanked Hard For Drunk Driving.
7. Uncle Andrew Spanks Lee & Dom
8. The Consequences Of Cheating - Bailey & Karl
9. Locker Room Spanking - Karl & Johnny
10. Brother In Charge - Part One - Andy & Patrick
Here is how it was back on May 13th
1. Oliver - Bath Brush Beating
3. Wait Till Your Father Gets Home - Oliver
4. Spanked Charity Thief - Dom & Adam - The Conclusion
5. Uncle Andrew Spanks Lee & Dom
7. Jack - Spanked Hard For Drunk Driving
8. Wait Till Your Father Gets Home - Patrick
9. The Consequences Of Cheating - Bailey & Karl
10. Real Punishment - Andy - Birched
And here is how it stood back in November
2. Spanked Charity Thief - Dom & Adam - The Conclusion
3. Oliver - Wait Till Your Father Gets Home
4. Jack - Spanked Hard For Drunk Driving
6. Stolen Holiday Money - Harry, Oliver & Fred - Brothers Revenge
7. Ben & Karl - The Humiliation - Part One
30th May 2014 08:35
Hey Everyone!
First of all thanks to everyone who commented on this latest movie featuring the return of Bailey!
I have read all the comments! There are so many of them that rather than responding to them all individually, I wanted to give my own thoughts about the story behind this movie.
This was a tricky one for me as I have some very strict rules about each of my movies. In fact I have a bit of OCD about it. I'm not sure if I've mentioned that I am also a fan of the show Dr Who and you have no idea how crazy the fans are about things being 'canon' and all fitting in and making sense.
Ok, so these rules I have are mainly this.
The motive for the person dishing out the spanking is never sexual. It is purely about punishment.
The person getting spanked is never wanting it to happened for a sexual thrill. They are being punished and get no pleasure from it.
The spanking is never forced, which means the person being spanked always has an option. (For example, take the spanking or get kicked out of the football team)
There are more rules I'm sure but these are the main ones....
Now you could argue that the rules have been broken in some of the movies. For example, in the Prison Punishment movies we never really saw the prisoner have a choice in getting spanked or not. However, as a fun experimentation of trying something different I was ok with that. For all we know, the prisoner could have been given the choice of accepting the beating or having another 10 years added to his sentence.
In Ben & Karl - The Humiliation Karl clearly never deserve to be spanked by Ben, however we all saw Ben get punished for that so I felt that was ok.
The we had Bailey Bullies Apprentice where Billy did not deserve his spanking either, but again. We got to see Bailey being punished for that.
So yes, there has been some previous examples, but I guess in all of them we instantly got to see the situation resolved in a satisfactorily way.
Which leads us on to Coach Bailey. Ok so lets talk about the Consequences of Cheating. This was definitely one of the severest punishments I have ever filmed (other than the Real Punishments) and in my mind, even though Karl had misbehaved, I felt the spanking bordered on being overly harsh. I think Bailey was so close to over-stepping the mark.
Now in this new movie Coach Rules Hard we get to see, in my mind, Coach Bailey slowly unravelling. In my own world, he is losing his touch as the coach and is taking out his own frustrations, unfairly on the swimmers. Maybe his methods are old fashioned and Bailey refuses to keep up with the latest thoughts on training. So he is taking out his frustration on the lads.
So yes, this was difficult for me as there was no way Dom deserved that punishment. Being a few seconds late when he is coming straight from college is perfectly reasonable...
So this also leads us onto the realisation that Bailey is not allowed to dish out Corporal Punishment. Well I know some of you are confused about this and that it is confusing tor the lovely SLS world where punishments can still be dished out by Dad, teacher, coach or boss.
Well let me try and explain how I have always seen it and hopefully this will put your mind at rest.
So yes, SLS is set in a modern world so of course the coach has never been allowed to dish out punishment in any of my movies. However, there has always been an understanding between the lads and the parents that they all respected the coach and if he decided that punishment was due then everyone accepted it and nobody would ever complain. In the SLS world even the local Policeman would turn a blind eye to it as long as it was fair and reasonable.
So don't worry, the Coach can still spank the lads, Dad's can still dish out discipline and of course, if all else fails the community has Mr X to fall back on!
So I guess what makes this movie really different form others in that it has not been resolved. Dom had to endure that hard spanking and Coach Bailey got away with it........
For now!
PS I know this will be a little tricky but I would appreciate it if you could keep general comments about the Coach Rules Hard movie to the movie thread here. Feel free to respoond to this subject here though. I know things might get a little mixed up, which of course is fine!
26th May 2014 11:54
Recently the members have been more active than ever with regards to interacting and getting involved with comments on the movies and blogs.
One member Uchikimatsu made these Meme's which I love!
Feel free to comment!
24th May 2014 14:15
Hey Spanking Fans!
So tomorrow I am going to shoot a new movie. This is an idea I have had for some time and am finally going to try it!
It all started from the original Paddle Dare movie. The day of filming did not work out as I planned and to be honest, if it was not for the genius of Art the footage would probably have been lost forever.
I will explain soon, exactly what went wrong that day...
So tomorrow I am filming with two of the models. I simply want it to be a 'spank off' competition. In a nutshell, the guys take turns to spank each other until one of them finally gives in and can't take any more.
As you all know, I never discuss amounts of money and it is clearly no secret that these guys get paid for doing this. But I will explain the basics of how it will work. Both lads will receive equal amounts of money for simply taking part. The winner will receive double!
So all I have left to work out is the exact format of the game. I have already ruled out using implements like the paddle or belt or whatever. Simply because if the guys are using these implements with extreme force, hoping to win then I can't really ensure the safety of the participants.
So I have decided to narrow it down to just spanking.
The issue is trying to find a balance of having a competition that does not end in minutes but does not last for hours!
Of course it will be trial and error...
My plan at the moment is 20 seconds of spanking with a 10 second swap over and continue until someone gives in!
Oh and the winner will remain and feature in the next round with a new competitor.
Any thoughts?
21st May 2014 14:32
Hey Everyone!
Sorry I've been a little quite here over the past few days! I think you will forgive me when I tell you it's because I have been busy filming, including with a new model (more of that to come later).
Oh and Wayne had a very harsh introduciton to the Bath Brush this very morning!
I promise to catch up properly on all the comments over the next few days!
13th May 2014 10:58
Ok so I might regret making this blog post as I am just reacting to a phone call I received 15 minutes ago.
I'm really not very happy.
Not happy at all!
In fact I am dam furious!
So for those of you that have watched Oliver's recent interview here, you will know that currently Oliver is in the process of training for an exciting new career, working on off shore oil rigs & the training is being funded by Straight Lads Spanked.
After going through lots of courses and gaining qualifications, Oliver finally got a job interview tomorrow morning. This was fantastic news! If you get an interview you are close to guaranteed getting a job.
Oliver just called me.
He missed his flight (which I paid for) and he is not going to make his interview in the morning.........
There is only so much you can do for some people!
You can see what happened next here!
6th May 2014 16:22
A member recently mentioned that since many of the lads have been interviewed as has Art the editor, that it was only right that myself should be interviewed!
Well about a year ago I did this rather in depth interview with Jockspank.
A lot has changed since I did that interview and maybe it is time to update this? So if anyone has any questions they want to ask me, well go ahead and ask! You can see I will go into a lot of detail and you can ask anything you want!
Either leave your questions in the comments box below, or non-members can email me on [email protected]
4th May 2014 17:40
The amount of comments that have been posted lately have been truly awesome!
I truly savour and enjoy every single one of them and I know that Art does too.
In some cases people have bared their soul talking about their own personal feelings about spanking and what has led them to this site.
In particular it has horrified me that some people & women in particular have been made to feel unwelcome or worse when interacting on other sites.
So I just want to make it 100% clear that everyone is welcome on this site. I don't care if you are male, female, straight, gay or whatever. Every comment and opinion is valid and welcome (as long as it is not just plain abusive). So please, everyone, don't be shy, join in! You are all so welcome here at Straight Lads Spanked!
4th May 2014 15:53
I've been reading some comments lately and one or two of you have been guesing towards my real age!
Well I can confirm that I am now really old! In fact I have just turned 40! :)
I had a great night out with a rather unusual mix of close friends, my brothers, nephew along with some Straight Lads Spanked models and their girlfriends!
Had a fantastic night!
Just wanted to say thank you also for the lovely emails I received and even some gifts!
Here are some photo's from the celebrations!
Oliver & Fred - Before the madness begins!
Oliver and Fred - Brothers having fun!
I think Fred looks rather innocent here but you can just tell that Oliver has mischief planned!
Goofing Around!
Oliver, Fred and Dave (Mr X)
Oliver, Fred & AndyOliver, Fred, Andy & The Birthday Boy!
1st May 2014 13:01
Hey Everyone!
We have had some new members recently which is lovely and even better many of you are joining in and leaving comments on some of the movies and blog posts.
Of course to a new member the movies are all fresh and new, but if you have seen the movie then it is unlikely you will click back onto that page.
So it was bothering me that a lot of lovely comments, some relating to previous posts would go unnoticed!
So I am working on a new feature that will show you on the home page when a where a new comment has been made.
I'm really excited about this as it should make things a lot more interactive.
In the meantime though, I though I would post links here to where some recent new comments have been left. Many by new members so it would be nice for some of the older members to get involved and welcome them in!
So here are where all the action has been!
Patrick - Wait Till Your Father Gets Home
Real Punishment - Andy Birched
Spank Jenga - Dom, Harry, Wayne & Adam - Part Seven
Surprisingly this next one had no comments at all until now!
Spanked by Dad for getting Caned at School
Andy - Wait Till Your Father Gets Home
Now this next one is close to my heart. I'm really curious to see what you all thought about seeing exactly how the movies were made? Did it surprise you, did it ruin it for you or like me, did it just make you want to give Editor Art a massive hug for the grief I send him! lol! Bring the comments on!
The Making Of - Builder In Trouble
Harry - Chinese Birch - 36 Lashes
Spank Jenga - Real Life Brothers - Complete
Bailey Bath Brush Beating - The Lost Footage
29th April 2014 08:18
Hi Everyone!
So I have been thinking about some new ways to make the site a little more interactive. One thing I have been meaning to do for a while is to revisit some of the older movies.
I thought it might be interesting for me to tell you what I can remember about making the movie any behind the scenes gossip and my own thoughts on the actual story/production.
It would also be a chance for people to have a look at the movie again and give it a rating if you have not already done so!
Let me make something really clear though. Just because I might speak positively about a movie does not mean that you should feel the same or that I expect you to rate it highly! In fact, I am going to make another blog post after this all about rating the movies!
So today I thought I would bring the focus on...
Clean The Apartment - Andy & Lewis
I actually remember a lot about this movie, we did a lot of new things in this movie. First of all, it was the first time I had actually filmed in a different location. So let me tell you about the location!
Andy was keen to work (as always) and I had said to him that if he finds me somewhere different to film that I would definitely do another movie with him.
So I got a call one day saying that not only had he found a new location but also a new model to film with. It was one of these situations that he said it was now or never!
So I quickly grabbed my camera and drove to this address he gave me. There was no time to think of a storyline and I had not even seen a picture of the new model! Oh and when I say, grab the camera, back then that is how I made the movies, with one camera and no lighting. Oh how things have changed!
Anyway! I turned up at the address and Andy was waiting outside, I thought he was acting a little strange but could work out why. It was flats (or apartments depending on where in the world you are) we entered and as we walked into the ground floor I spoke to Andy and he told me to be quiet! I did as I was told and walked upstairs and into this apartment and met Lewis for the first time!
He was friendly but a little bewildered as it had all happened suddenly for him also which is typical of Andy!
I asked Andy why he was acting so strangely and he explained to me that he actually lived in the apartment directly below and his wife and son were at home! She had no idea what was going on! She thought Andy had gone out to do some shopping!
I couldn't believe it! So this guy Lewis was Andy's real life neighbour. They also went to the gym together.
So the next thing I noticed was the state of Lewis's home! The mess you see on the video was AFTER we had spent about 20 minutes tidying up! So of course, I decided to turn the messy home into the storyline.
Oh and just for the record, I took Lewis into a separate room and spoke to him in private for about 15 minutes explaining everything in great detail so that I could be comfortable that he knew what he was agreeing to do and that he was not being 'heavily persuaded' by Andy. But Lewis was fine and just need some extra cash to cover some unexpected car repairs.
So filming in a new location was new for me. What else was new was that this was one of the first times that I had the lads spanking each other. I always find this difficult to arrange because I am very particular about the storylines being at least a little believable and of course, in real life it will be unusual to have one straight lad spanking another.
So I asked Andy, "what would make you so angry that you would want to spank your mate" and Andy replied "If I thought he was getting in the way of me getting laid"!
So that was where we came up with the idea that Andy & Lewis were flatmates and because the place was so untidy Andy was unable to bring his girl back. Lewis was spending too much time 'Jerking Off' and not enough time washing dishes!
I remember the filming of the spanking scene very vividly even though it was several years ago. It was done hardly without stopping and I just remember watching it whilst filming it and getting a rush as it felt so real! It really felt to me at that time that this situation could be happening! The other thing that was real was Lewis's reactions. Andy pinning his arm back and holding him in place was genuine! If he had not done that Lewis would have wriggled away!
The only thing we stopped and discussed during the spanking scene was how Andy should remove Lewis's jeans and underwear. It was Andy that raised this as he said it felt a bit weird as a straight guy to be undressing his pal! (funnily enough, he had no issue with spanking him though). So Andy asked me for direction. In return I just threw it back to Andy and said what would you do in this situation and he said he would be so made he would just rip them down. So I just told him to do that! One of the reasons that Andy asked this question was that during the Mr X spankings, Mr X always makes a big deal of making the naughty lad strip off and Andy was not sure that would look or feel right.
As it happens, I love how it happens in the movie, especially when he actually rips Lewis's boxer shorts!
Finally, the end section where Lewis tries to escape off the sofa and and gets held in place by Andy and the spanking continues was all real and unplanned. Lewis was trying to get away and Andy just carried on spanking!
(Of course, Lewis could have stopped the filming at any time, but just wanted to get it over and done with)
So that is what I remember about this movie! Lots of happy, exciting memories to be honest. Everything was really new back then. Clearly the filming is shaky and of course we miss Art's amazing editing, I think though that maybe the rawness of it all makes this situation believable and when I re-watched that I got a sense of actually being in the room with the lads.
Anyway! That is my thoughts! It would be great to hear any comments you have and of course to give it your rating!
29th April 2014 08:15
So we have a feature on the website which displays the top 10 most popular movies. This is based on how members have voted, out of 10 for each individual movie.
So your votes really do make a difference!
I did want to give a few pointers about voting on the movies. I have noticed that a many members vote most of the movies nearly the same and really high. I have had several emails from members over the the past few months saying that they feel guilty if they rate one movie lower than another! They also say they don't want me to be offended if they rate a movie low.
So I just wanted to give you a few pointers about voting....
It's natural that you are going to enjoy some movies more than others. So in order to vote the movies that you really love highly you have to vote some movies lower. That is perfectly fine and I nver take offence at all.
I actually get to vote on the movies also! So let me tell you how I do it.
I generally give the movies which I think are good, but not my absolutel favourites a rating of 7.
This will then allow me to give the movies which I think are really special a higher rating and saving a 9 or a 10 for my absolute favourites.
Of course that then allows me to rate a movie I am not so keen on a 6 or even lower.....
My suggesiton would be that you all vote in a similar way...
Now, there is one extra feature and this allows you to reset your vote! You will find this button on the individual movie page directly under the word rating on the top left hand side of the page. Oh and just so you are aware, when you press the reset button you wlll get a box appear saying that you have already voted. Simply ignore that leave that movie page and then come back into it and you will find that you can place your vote again!
Have fun and I can't wait to see how the top 10 list chages over the next few weeks!
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked
25th April 2014 06:55
Hey Everyone!
I have been looking at the past four weeks worth of material that has been released for the members and have just realised that including the interviews with Oliver and Dan that there has been a whopping 2 hours and 15 minutes of brand new material for you to enjoy!
I think that is a record for Straight Lads Spanked!
I can't wait for you to see what is coming up over the next four weeks!
23rd April 2014 09:15
I recently had a brief interview with the lovely people over at JockSpank!
I seemed to be in a talkative mood and gave away lots of upcoming news!
You can view the interview here!
20th April 2014 06:41
Happy Easter!
From Myself, Art, Andy Lee and of course all the models from Straight Lads Spanked!
I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend!
I am so pleased with the way the website is running with the latest improvements and the feedback (about the new streaming option) has been wonderful and has made all the hard work worthwhile!
If you are not yet a member, well I have an amazing offer that lets you join from just £9.95! Hurry though as this really will end in a few days time!
Click Here for more info!
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked
Of course a huge thank you to Andy Lee for sending in that photo! He took it at home and sent it to me as a treat for all the members. I didn't even ask him. Don't you just love him?
17th April 2014 09:59
I'm delighted to announce that all of the current upgrades are now complete!
I hope you are all enjoying the new slicker, faster website experience!
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked
14th April 2014 17:41
Hey everyone. I have set a couple of movies up for a streaming trial and I would like you to test them for me.
I just need to know if they play ok and what the quality is like?
The first one is
and also
Real Punishment - Dale - Money Waster
Please leave any feedback comments below!
It would be good to know what browser you were using, for example Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer or if you are using an iphone, ipad or any other phone/tablet!
13th April 2014 10:22
Well I'm delighted to get such an amazing response from this movie!
So far every single member bar one has rated it 10 out of 10!
I have spoken to Oliver today and showed him the viewer comments and he is really pleased!
He actually said it was worth all the pain and trust me, there was a lot of pain!
I'm going to post an interview with Oliver soon for you which was filmed on the day that this movie was shot and you can see his immediate reaction after the spanking had ended.
But for now I just want to add my own thoughts and comments.
So this movie with Oliver was filmed some time ago. So today I actually sat and watched all 50 mins of it again. I actually tried to detach myself and watch it from a viewers point of view.
In some ways this was difficult to do and mainly this was Art the editors fault! You see, I am fully familiar with the footage that I filmed and sent to Art to edit. However, when I watched it back somehow Art made it look really tremendous and different to the raw footage he had to work with. I'm talking about really precise editing detail here. Very subtle things like panning in on Oliver at exactly the right time highlighting the emotions and his reactions just perfectly.
So thank you Art. Your work here was amazing and really made this movie.....
So lets talk about the spanking video. I thought Oliver's acting was truly superb! I having just re-watched it all and twice during the movie I actually had some tears.
The first time was when Dad removed the cash from Oliver's pocket and Oliver realised that he was caught. Interestingly this was, I think the only time during the entire film where we stopped and filmed it a few different ways. Initially, Oliver was still being quite arrogant with Dad and trying to lie his way out of the situation, but I never felt that worked properly or was true to Oliver's character. So I stopped the filming and suggested that instead Oliver realises that he has been 100% caught out and rather than arguing is just full of remorse.
I think this angle really worked and Oliver's reaction and sudden transformation from being cocky and in denial of his crimes to full on sorrow was really superb and quite touching.
The second part that got me emotionally was when Oliver was in the bedroom waiting for Dad and he decided to call his Mum.
The line when Oliver says, "please don't cry Mum" was just heartbreaking!
As for the rest of the spanking that followed. Well incredibly what you see on the film was pretty much how it happened. We never really stopped filming, we never discussed dialogue and we just stayed in character throughout.
Sure there were some fluffed lines and so on that Art had to work around during the editing but the spanking you see is pretty much exactly what was filmed.
Oliver and I just really seemed to connect that day. I know for sure that he drew on his own personal emotions during the filming and it just shows. The tears, the sorrow the pleading and also Oliver just accepting his punishment were not discussed or rehearsed or scripted. Every line that I (Dad) says and every answer that Oliver gives was just as it happened, spontaneously, during a very long film shoot!
I'm so pleased that you all enjoyed this latest spanking movie!
Straight Lads Spanked - not just spanking - it's the whole punishment!
2nd April 2014 05:36
Hey Everyone!
Just a quick note to say that we are starting to add the streaming option to the website. However, it is really early stages and we are aware that there are a lot of bugs to be ironed out.
As soon as it is ready I'll make a proper announcement.
I just didn't want you to get frustrated thinking it wasn't working properly for you. Over the next week you will likely see different things appear and disappear as it all gets implemented.
30th March 2014 11:54
Have a look at the wonderful screenshots over on Jockspank!
You can see them here!
These are taken from this movie.
9th March 2014 11:14
Well as you have probably guessed by now the behind the scenes improvements to the site are taking a little longer than normal. However, great progress has been made this week and you will start to see some changes very soon!
I have realised that this extra work means I have been neglecting the lovely comments you have made recently, so I have spent today catching up with them all.
Hope you are all well?
Dave x
5th March 2014 15:09
The main thing that keeps me going here is the feedback I get from people who have viewed my movies. I really love it! Even just a 2 word comment left on a movie means the world to me.
I sometimes get emails to [email protected] and that is also nice when people take an interest and get involved. Though I always prefer comments left on the website to emails as that way everyone can share...
A few days ago I received one email. It meant a lot to me. It gave me confidence that sleepless nights and doubt about what I was doing was truly worthwhile.
I asked the sender if it was ok for me to share this email and she said yes.
(oh and just to clarify, just because I am highlighting this email it does not mean that a value others from anyone else any less)
So here it is!
Hello Straight Lads Spanked!
Please accept my apologies in advance for the essay that's going to follow. I tried to keep it concise, but there is just so much I'd like you to know!
Firstly, THANK YOU for even existing! I found several clips of your movies floating around the internet and decided to visit your site. After downloading some of your free movies and interviews I was utterly blown away and had sign up as a member. You are the first adult studio I've bought a subscription to. That may not mean much to you, but if you consider that:
A) I'm a broke college student with little spare money; and
B) I'd not yet found adult content of sufficient quality for purchase,
then it means your site and your work are head and shoulders above the rest! I could not believe I'd stumbled upon this treasure trove of movies about gorgeous lads being spanked by a man (Dave), whom I can only assume is gorgeous as well, judging by his sparkling personality, lovely accent, strong spanking arm, and fondness for cats and plaid shoes. :)
It's clear that you have a great working relationship with most of the models and you have some fun making these movies. The movies themselves are convincing and have good story lines. The spankings are real and painful, but not over-the-top; you don't mark your models severely. This is rather important to me. Many sites advertising spanking and "real punishments" have models that come away with terrible marks and this leaves me feeling deep sympathy for the model rather than being able to enjoy the movie. You care about the safety of your models. Your movies express punishment without brutality, and this makes them immensely enjoyable.
Also, there is no sex in your movies, which is wonderfully refreshing. I've spent years sifting through adult websites trying to filter out the sex, looking for just spanking. The vast majority of spanking videos I've seen have sexual connotations, even if it's not explicit. I don't get even a hint of that from your movies, so thank you! And they're all MM spanking, which is the best kind! For some reason when a man is spanking another man, it is easier to believe it is a punishment. Movies with MF, lesbian FF, or gay MM spanking comes across as sensual or for fun even if it is advertised as "punishment". Also with MF or FM movies there are often implied gender roles, in which the "weaker" gender needs to be dominated by the opposite sex. Not so with MM! And the fact that all the models you work with are straight removes any doubt that these movies are not sexual in nature.
Your tag line on the home page of your site is excellent. "Not just spanking, it's the whole punishment" is exactly what I've been looking for all these years. Spanking, on it's own, is good. Spanking, when coupled with a lecture, a small dose of humiliation, and a contrite recipient is phenomenal! In some of your movies it's difficult to believe that there is no script; the lectures delivered and the responses from the models are exceptional and incredibly realistic. In no particular order, Dom, Oliver, Andy, and Bailey are superb actors. And, can't forget Dave! You always seem to know just what to say, whether playing Mr. X or an angry father. You are terrific and can dish out a heck of a spanking! That and your accent is divine.
Your movie editor, Art, is absolutely fantastic. There is a marked improvement between your earlier movies and your latest ones (not that the earlier ones were bad, they're still quite good!). Art, the transitions are seamless and you work magic with the footage. You are a movie-making wizard and you have my thanks!
My mother worked in London years ago and I didn't get to go with, so I've thought about taking a trip to see the city for myself. Now I definitely know that Iwill visit, if only to get "Mr. X" to autograph one of my implements!
Many, many thanks to Dave, Art, and all the models! PLEASE continue the outstanding work. I sincerely hope you are around for many years to come, and I will continue to support you.
P.S. In case of curiosity, I'm a 23 year old girl from the USA who loves to spank and be spanked!Of course, regular members contact me often through the site and email and I hope you know I appreciate it and your contact means as much to me as as this email.
17th February 2014 07:47
My friends over at Jockspank have captured the movie Rock Star Spanked beautifully.
You can check it out for yourself here.
Rock Star Spanked - Part One
Rock Star Spanked - Part Two
Thanks to Ward for this!
13th February 2014 10:51
Hello Everyone!
This week members will get not one mm spanking movie but two!
I have another instalment of Spank Jenga to share with you.
This round was quite short but also quite extraordinary. I nevr thought I would end up with these straight lads spanking in the Intimate Wheelbarrow Position!
It may not be the hardest or longest spankig movie I have ever released, however, I feel that it really pushed boundaries. This was one of the later rounds of what was a rather epic game of Jenga and the lads were getting a little tired. I have a feeling that if this forfeit had been introduced earlier on there is no way the lads would ahve done it.
I hope you enjoy it!
So since this was not the longets of movies i have also released.
Dom - Wooden Stick - 36 Lashes!
This movie was recorded on my first ever filming session with Dom.
This was all brand new to Doma and you need to see what a whacking he took!
The wooden snappy stick really left his mark and the results are clear for all to see!
10th February 2014 05:25
Exciting New Changes - Coming Soon!
Well Straight Lads Spanked is just over a year old now and so much has changed since then.
So I am currently working behind the scenes and there are going to be some changes to the website.
So let me talk you through what's going on.
No More Individual Downloads
There is one major change occurring that has been a difficult decision to come to. The website is soon going to become 100% members only. So this means that I will no longer be offering the movies for sale individually. I don't have an exact date for this but it is happening soon and more than likely within the next week. So if you are looking to just buy individual movies, now is your last chance.
One other thing that has changed over the last year is that more and more people are using tablet devices like ipads to access the internet and don't actually own a PC or a Laptop.
At the moment it is pretty much impossible to download a zipped mp4 file onto an ipad and play it.
So the solution to this is streaming.
So I am delighted to announce that I will soon be offering streaming as an alternative to downloading.
Don't worry, you will still be able to download also!
Oh and my other venture Straight Lads Wank is getting closer and closer to being ready too! It really is! :)
28th January 2014 12:02
It is a straightforward buy one get one free deal! If you purchase any individual movie you will be sent another movie of your choice, of the same value or less absolutely free.

So here is exactly how it will work.
You purchase any movie from the website www.straightladsspanked.com.
Then simply send an email to me at [email protected] telling me which movie you would like for free.
The free movie must be of an equal value or lower than the movie you purchased.
All free movies will be sent out within 48 hours.
This offer ends At Midnight UK time on Thursday January, 30th
Straight Lads Spanked
28th January 2014 05:15
Well I am glad you are all enjoying this latest movie starring Andy Lee and Jay! Thanks for all the positive comments!
It's a strange one, because if it was not for my wonderful editor Art Part One would probably have never seen the light of day.
Paddle Dare - Part One is still available as a free download and you can get that by clicking here!
17th January 2014 05:21
So I just wanted to give you a quick update. I decided to escape the London winter and am having a lovely relaxing time in Egypt. I've been doing my best to keep the website running from the beach but I'm afraid the internet has been pretty hopeless. So apologies for being a little quiet over the last week.
I had an issue with the movie I was intending to release this week but managed to get another round of Jenga loaded up for you. I'm afraid though I have been unable to make the preview videos for the Peter movie and the latest Jenga.
I'll attend to all of that when I return....
The good thing about this holiday is that it has given me lots of time to make plans for new movies for 2014! I can't wait to start filming again!
So please keep the comments comments coming in. I'm still reading everything and I will reply properly when I get back early next week.
I'm still around to deal with any customer services issues but so far you all seem quite happy downloading and enjoying the movies!
Anyway! I have cocktails to sip so I am going to log off now.
5th January 2014 11:24
Happy New Year Everyone!
In particular, I extend a warm welcome to any new members that have joined over the festive period.
It's really great to have you onboard here and I hope you are enjoying the movies!
I really do encourage you to also join in actively with the site. There are a few things you can do.
Rate The Movies!
On the top left hand side of each movie page there is a 'rating' symbol and some stars, you can scroll along and rate the movie from between 1 & 10. It's great when this happens as this gives me an idea of what movies people really like and ones you are not so keen on.
Never feel bad about rating low. I will certainly never be offended! Not even a little bit.
Let me share how I rate rate the movies...
If I like a movie a a lot but I don't feel it is the best one ever or the worst one ever I give it a 6 or a 7.
That means that if I really like a movie I have scope to show that and of course the same if I dislike a movie.
I also enjoy reading your comments and feedback on the movies. I know other members too. I'm going to be 100% honest here and say that it also helps with promotion. People can read the feedback and make decisions on if it is movie that they would also enjoy.
So if you have never posted before and are a little shy why not hit the comment button below and say a quick hello! I'm sure the members will say a lovely hello back!
31st December 2013 09:15
Sure! It’s astonishing how much has changed since I was last interviewed for JockSpank! So yes about the new website! I always dreamed of having this website from the beginning but I never thought it would happen so soon! It really came down to economics.
I would now like to ask you some questions left by visitors to JockSpank or which have been submitted via the Straight Lads Spanked blog:
31st December 2013 09:00
Answer: Answer: I'm glad you are breaking me in with an easy question! I had never had any experience making films, adult or otherwise, until just a few months ago! I'm a movie making virgin! This whole adventure is brand new to me! .............. (Ok there have been a few things I filmed in my bedroom on my camera phone but we've all done that before......... haven't we)?
Answer:...erm, well I never really did make that decision. It just kind of happened. I was drawn into it! I have a feeling though we will go more into how it all began soon enough!
Now a question which was submitted by PTB was “How did you meet Brett Stevens, and are your websites separate ventures?”
Answer:Ok, so about Brett. First of all let me say that Brett is an awesome guy! It was a fairly random meet to be honest in the very first instance, we live very close to each other... However, some time after I first met Brett he got in touch as a bit of his editing software got corrupt and he needed somebody with a decent computer to help edit some clips. That is how it all began....... It was a blast doing some work with Brett and with me living so close I found myself getting out with some filming too. I really enjoyed the whole process and I guess that is where the ideas for Straight Lads Spanked came from.
So yes PTB, Straight Lads Spanked is very much a separate venture from Brett's work. However, Brett and I are still very much in touch and happily support each others studios and work. I feel quite sure that our work will cross over in different ways at some point. I can't see any reason why Brett would not appear in further future Straight Lads Spanked movies (in fact I have some plans for that as we speak) or why Mr X won’t appear in Brett's productions. In fact, Brett has already featured in new clip "Don't Steal from Mum Part Two" on Straight Lads Spanks in an extremely intense and rapid OTK hand, belt and slipper butt blistering movie!!
You opened your own Studio Straight Lads Spanked earlier this year, what made you decide to focus on Straight Lads in particular?
Answer: Hmmmm, where do I begin! Ok, let’s focus on the spanking aspect first. For me spanking, in spanking movies always has to be a deserved punishment and not something done because either the person dishing it out or the person receiving it is getting sexual gratification. So in my mind having a spanking site featuring Straight Lads who are not attracted to men makes this situation more achievable.
Of course there are plenty of popular sites offering more erotic spanking and that is great but not the direction I wanted to go down... I also appreciate that my theory is somewhat flawed in that it would be ridiculous to suggest that all gay men enjoy getting spanked and straight men don’t!!
But why Straight Lads? Well for me as an individual and somebody who is attracted to men, I have always had a self-confessed........erm......, fondness (my friends would say obsession) with straight lads. Completely ridiculous of course! Quintin Crisp describes it better than I ever could when he says..." The ... problem that confronts homosexuals is that they set out to win the love of a "real" man. If they succeed, they fail. A man who "goes with" other men is not what they would call a real man. The conundrum is incapable of resolution, but that does not make homosexuals give it up."
Answer: Well I think a lot of what I answered in the previous questions applies to a lot of people. However, more than that. I think there is something very rewarding about seeing masculine, straight lads submitting to going over another man's knee for a spanking. Somebody once commented about Bailey saying that Bailey is type of confident (slightly arrogant) guy that they see in the gym or workplace that they would love to see 'brought down to size'. Well on Straight Lads Spanked that is exactly what you get to see! As for having a fan base? Well that is pretty cool! :) I like that a lot!
Answer: It all just seemed to just happen rather easily to be honest. The biggest issue was not having great cameras at the beginning. I look back with some regret on some early shoots that could have been so much better if I had better equipment. Thankfully that has been resolved! I remember clearly though the first day of shooting as Straight Lads Spanked. Bailey, Billy and Danny were all there. The support I had that day from all three guys was incredible. They could see I was bluffing it and doing my best and they did everything possible to help me out!Danny and Bailey in Office Junior Spanked
It was like having an all day group hug from the guys! We were there for most of the day! Danny is a mate of mine anyway so it was great having him there. Bailey though was simply awesome that day and was actually a good influence on the other guys. So much got filmed that day as well. Office Junior Spanked, Graffiti Artist Spanked Part Two and the entire Bailey Bullies apprentice!. We reshot a lot of Bailey - Wait Till Your Father Gets Home that day too. I have no idea how we managed it all! I suspect all the lads stood up on the bus on the way home that day!
Answer: 60's and 70's????????? I mean 60's! Really! How rude! How old does Jockspank think I am? Lol!
I was born in the mid 70's probably only started reading comics in the very late 70's early 80's. However, what I did read featured a lot of spanking! In particular there is a Scottish creation called 'Oor Wullie'. That naughty lad was always getting spanked! I also read the Beano and recall Dennis the Menace getting slippered from his Dad! I'm not so sure they have influenced what I do now but they no doubt sparked an interest in CP!
I also remember an old black and white film or maybe it was a TV drama. It might have been Nicholas Nickleby and it featured a rather brutal caning with a lad attached to some frame. I remember my Mum being shocked and switching it off. Which of course only made me more determined to watch it so I ran upstairs to my big brothers room and watched it on his telly!
Answer: I'm not so sure I compare them as such or that I am in a position to compare. Let me say this though. What Sting do is superb. The attention to detail is something I aspire to. I think though the themes I do are a bit different. I'm very much aware of Spanking Central too. I think maybe Cliff's work on Spanking Central is closer to what I do in that there is a more modern feel to it. Maybe the biggest difference is that with SC there is more of a big budget studio setting feel. Where as my stuff is a bit rawer and looks like it has been shot using a hand held camera in my home (which it has)!
Answer: I have absolutely no doubt at all that I have taken (probably more subconsciously) ideas from other studios and added my own touch to it. I think I possibly spend more time trying to build a story for the spankings than most of the studios do. ...... It also works in a different way, you don’t just get influenced in a good way. I have seen things on other studios and thought, "I really don't want to do that", or, "good idea, but if you had done this it would have been better" Of course all of this is subjective.
"Give me some examples" I hear you yell!
Ok, well some studios don't have any reason or build up to guys getting spanked other than asking the model "why are you here"? …… "Because I need money to pay the rent and fuel bill and my daughter needs new shoes" …… "Ok, well get over my knee, look at the camera whilst I spank you to tears"!!!!
Now let me make this 100% clear. I am not criticising! These studios are popular. It's just not for me. I like my spankings to be about punishment. Not some guy just enduring so that they can feed their family. (I'm also aware all my models are doing it for cash but I try and present it in a different way).... The other main thing I have picked up from some other movies that frustrated me was lack of facial reactions during spankings. This is incredibly important to me and I have tried to feature it in everything I have produced! It's one thing seeing a bottom getting spanked, but as a viewer I feel you need to relate to whom the bottom is attached and how they are reacting to the spanking...
Answer: They are an absolute joy to work with! But both in very different ways. Andy is definitely more of a joker. He really is full of fun. All the time! Put him together with Bailey and sometimes filming can be a nightmare! For example, on a very recent shoot (not yet released) I am trying to film Andy and Bailey together. There is no camera man that day so I am directing, filming and being Mr X. There was a lot going on! Andy had just had lunch so was rather, erm windy.... Which caused much disruption! Bailey had to leave the room gagging at one point! Then it comes to them both being naked.
Andy in "Andy Chinese Birch
Now Andy is very blessed in a certain department so decides to do Windmill impressions with his willy! Bailey decides to join in! Sword fights are happening! I'm trying to shoot film! The ironic thing is that it crossed my mind that I should be enjoying this and finding it erotic..... IN any other situation I would dream to be in that situation! Instead all I'm doing is tutting, trying to get some order and shoot some film! With hindsight I wish I had it on camera to enjoy later! Bailey on the other hand is also fun but really serious and dedicated to producing great movies. I'm not saying that Andy is not but Bailey really seems aware of the production details and is not afraid to suggest ideas or different angles or retakes. I have gone from being rather scared of Bailey on the first day I met him to being really fond of him. Andy too!
Answer: Ok so Andy brings his cheeky charm and of course his hot, muscled body! He also brings his friends and family! It was Andy that introduced me to Bailey (who was the best man at Andy's wedding) as well as Liam and more recently his brother Patrick!
Bailey brings really great acting performances. He plays the characters so well and convincingly. Also, if I'm shooting with other lads and Bailey is there he actually helps them with their performance. Bailey is also taking harder spankings and again, this is having a knock on effect with other models, so it is all good! Bailey (along with Andy) has been part of this since the beginning and he knows that I am just doing what I can with it all and that I don’t claim to be an expert. Whenever he is around he offers so much emotional support to. He keeps me calm and will help me position cameras set the rooms and so on. Oh and I'm sure Bailey will read this so I guess I should say that he also brings a hot body, an amazing butt as well as being devastatingly handsome!
Which do you prefer? Bailey the spanker, or Bailey getting spanked?
Answer: Oh tough one! Really tough! I will never tire of seeing Bailey getting spanked; however, he has proven to be a great spanker too. It's almost impossible to compare them as they are so different. So I can't answer. I will say though that for as long as he is happy to do this stuff, I will be using him in both roles...
Answer: I think so yes. I think Andy just reconfirmed what everyone guessed. That he is funny, cheeky, masculine and hot! I think Bailey possibly surprised people with just how friendly and charming he was. Both lads were so open about their own spanking experiences and how they viewed making the movies. Some of their answers even surprised me! It did actually concern me that with the guys beings so open that maybe it would detract from the viewers enjoyment of them in the films, for example, would people enjoy seeing Bailey getting spanked as much if they now think he is less moody, arrogant and deserving as they first thought, but I don't think that has been the case...
Answer: Probably not that intimate. Look, if there was a justifiable reason for including it in the story/film why not? But I can't think right now of a story where that would happen. In addition a big selling point to getting these guys involved is that it is not overtly sexual................. Then again, there is a forfeit in the latest round of Spank Jenga that involves the loser getting spanked 'diaper' position (lying on his back with his legs in the air) which is quite revealing! ....... maybe next time Bailey is lying face down soothing is tender bottom after a hard spanking there could be more of a reveal!
Answer: Answer In no particular order then! Kyle was a one off. I'm not sure I will be in touch with him again! Liam is brilliant! Let me tell you about the first movie I shot with him. It was called Liam - Spanked for Fighting - Part One. So I needed a reason for him to be visiting Mr X. He was meant to be bringing some Army Cadet uniform. In fact, he never brought any of his stuff as he had stayed with this girl the night before, slept in and left his bag there when leaving in a rush! So I asked about his lack of uniform and a reason for him seeing Mr X and Andy said to Liam, "Go on, tell him what happened with the police"!! Well let's just say that the reasons for Liam's punishment in this scene is about as real as it gets! Liam really had been fighting and got in trouble.
I never realised at the time, but when I watched it back I could see how real it was for Liam. Mr X was laying into him about how he had wasted his opportunities, let his Mother down and so on and you could see that Liam was thinking about all this stuff for real. I don't think anyone had spelled it out to him before so clearly! He really seems genuinely sorry for himself and resigned to the spanking as if it is truly deserved. This also follows through into Part Two with Dr Barton! Then there was another incident with Liam when we filmed his "Wait Till Your Father Gets Home". Liam really got belted hard in this. Like really hard and for a long time. At one point I thought he was laughing a bit (a lot of the guys seem to revert to nervous giggling) and I gently said to Liam, "look mate, we are nearly finished but I need you to stop laughing" Liam said to me in a strained voice, "I'm not laughing".... It was only when I watched back that I discovered that he really was not laughing and it was him on the very brink of tears/sobs. In fact, I'm 99% sure there were some proper sobs in there....(some viewer called it ‘emotional edging’ which I liked)!
Billy is a joy to work with too. Friendly and easy going! He also takes a hard spanking! The clip "Brett Belts Billy" actually left his bottom bruised for days afterwards. You can see the results of this bruising in Graffiti Artist Gets Spanked - Part Two. Danny is a mate of mine. He has a long term girlfriend. I was there when he called her to ask permission to be in these movies. What a conversation that was! Quite surreal! I mean, can you imagine it….. “Hi love, it’s Danny here, erm, I just wanted to ask you something….., erm….. you know my mate Dave?” “Yes, I know Dave” “Well he is making adult spanking movies, do you mind if I get naked and spanked on film”??? ……….””Yes, love that will be fine, oh and don’t forget to pick up some milk on the way home”!!!!!
Karl! (Or 18 year old Karl as he is known around here)! Did you see the spanking that lad took from Bailey in "Caught Spying on Girls"??? Wowee! Even now I can hear the stinging slaps as Bailey really laid into him! That is nothing to what happens to him in the as yet unreleased follow up to this!
Finally we have Patrick. Andy's brother. Handsome lad! Bit of a young Tom Cruise look going on there... Patrick was the only model I have worked with so far where I got the feeling he was a bit unsure about it all. So I did the appropriate thing under the circumstances..... Which was to get as much footage shot before he bailed out! :)
Which of the movies do you feel most proud of and why?
Answer: It's a hard to choose just one single movie. Ok, I'm just going to keep this selection down to movies that have so far been released and my answer has to be Bailey Bullies Apprentice! For so many reasons! A huge part of it is to do with the performances on the day. All three models, Danny, Billy and Bailey acted their parts superbly! I watched this again recently and they play it so real! But also, it was done at the end of a long and manic day and even though I knew everyone was tired and time was running out, everyone just went for it! Sure, I had the whole story worked out in my head, but every model brought their own extra thing to it! Bailey telling Billy to fix the boiler by looking at the instructions was unscripted.
It still makes me laugh thinking about it now! Billy asking for some of Bailey's drink was unplanned and Danny was a great boss! But then we had the big moment where Bailey lifts Billy up with one strong arm to shoulder height and proceeds to spank him whilst he is kicking around in mid air! Woweee! I couldn't believe it was happening! (In fact Dr Barton emailed me about this saying he had never seen anything like it in Spanking Movies before which I was really proud of)!
I actually showed this to my flatmate (straight guy) who has no interest in spanking. My intention was to stop it when the spanking begins (as he really doesn't want to see that king of thing)... Here is what happened. First of all he just said how real it was. He got absorbed by the story! He was actually yelling at Bailey calling him names at the way he was treating Billy.... It came to the spanking bit and I stopped it.... "What are you doing, my flatmate yelled"? "You never want to see the spanking stuff" I replied. "switch it back on, I have to see what happens next" he ordered!....... anyway, when Bailey finally gets caught by Danny and ends up getting spanked in front of Billy, my flatmate punches the air and shouts "yes"!!!!!! ……………………..It never ended there. Later that night two of mates came over and one of their girlfriends. Flatmate insisted I put it on! I did! It was the same reaction. They were actually booing Bailey and yelling with delight when he finally got what was coming to him! It was a very surreal night for me!
Can I choose a second favourite please?
Andy and Lewis
It has to be Clean the Apartment - Andy and Lewis. Andy talks about this in his interview. We have Andy spanking his good mate Lewis in this clip. Let me tell you about the location. This was filmed in Lewis’s apartment. I turned up with my filming gear and Andy greeted me downstairs. We walked by one door and he said casually, “this is where I live, my wife and baby are inside” !!!!!! Then we walked to the flat above where his good mate lives. The whole things was madness but yet so normal. I’m thinking, so I’ve turned up to meet Andy, who has left his wife and baby downstairs, to go upstairs with me and get spanked alongside his real life mate!
I was not sure how to make two real life mates spanking each other look real and justified. I was quite worried about that. But Andy and; Lewis played their parts brilliantly and really laid into Lewis! By the end of it Lewis had struggled off the sofa as Andy was still holding him with one arm and spanking his bottom so hard!! The only time we stopped filming was to chat about how Andy should remove Lewis's underwear. It had to look right and fitting for the situation. It is a big deal for one straight lad to be pulling down the boxers of another guy (never mind spanking his bare bottom) and Andy was asking how he should do it as it felt weird. I just said to Andy, "Look, imagine you were in this situation, Lewis had stopped you getting laid that night and you were furious, how would you do it"? Andy thought about it, looked at me and said, "Ok I got it, start filming"................................ Andy then held Lewis down and just ripped his boxers off and then laid into him! Every reaction from Lewis was 100% real. He was squirming, struggling and protesting and Andy just carried on! The colour of Lewis's bottom at the end shows exactly what he went through!
I just never thought I would get these straight lads spanking each other, never mind it looking so real! All I had to do was stand there and film!
I could go on but I think I did well keeping it down to two movies! :)
Answer: Other than Bailey Bullies Apprentice it has to be the very recent Spank Jenga movies. I liked it because I got the guys doing things I never thought would be possible. (including lying in the diaper position) I also liked these because I could take a back seat and just film. They just about direct themselves...
Oh can I have another favourite please? How could I forget Builders Gatecrash Spanking Party??????????Builders Gatecrash a Spanking Party
This is where we get to see Mr X and the legendary Dr Barton in a scene together. Part Two of this has Mr X and Dr Barton each having a builder (Andy and Bailey) over their knee getting spanked simultaneously! The lads had no idea what was going to happen. It was filmed in one take and I just loved it! So did the audience it seemed by the amount of emails I got about that clip! There was one particular section of Part Two of "Builders Gate Crash Spanking Party" which I remember fondly. This entire scene was sprung upon the two builders, they really had no idea what was happening next. So Mr X and Dr Barton come into the room and announce that both lads are going to get spanked. Now Bailey had been spanked earlier by Dr Barton that day and knew how tough and hard he spanked and you see Bailey nearly run towards me (Mr X) to get spanked rather than face Dr Barton again! Very funny!
Answer: Now that I have Bailey (and to some degree Andy) spanking I am not too bothered right now about other spankers. However, as for working with Dr Barton again. You better believe it! I love working with Dr Barton! He brings something special to everything he does! I love how he lectures and tells the lads off so well! I have also built up a nice friendship with Dr Barton which I treasure.
Things may change but right now (with the exception of the very youthful Dr Barton) I am trying to stay away from the elderly Uncle/Dad/Headmaster spanking the lads. I have nothing against it in principal but I am just trying to take Straight Lads Spanked in a different direction.
Answer: This is an easy one to answer! It is something I have wanted to do from the beginning but I have still not found the right location....... So picture the scene! We see a group of lads out on the field/park/football pitch playing football! Next up we cut to the locker/shower room where the lads all pile in, strip off their muddy kit and take a group shower. There is a lot of horseplay going on, with the lads hitting each other with towels and so on..... Then the coach comes in! He is angry because of the lad’s poor performance! Then we basically get a lot of spanked lads in the changing room!
I have a very specific changing room in mind though. The kind you would find at an amateur or semi-professional club this is a bit grimy and old fashioned! If anyone has ever seen any of the football films from Triga you will know exactly what I mean! So, I might as well take this chance to ask! If anyone has any ideas for a suitable location within the M25 area of London, please let me know!
Answer : Oh I am all for some humour! It has to be right though of course! I guess the closest thing I have come to humour was "Builders Gatecrash Spanking Party" Dr Barton's face at the very end of Part One when he opens the door and says "Ah Mr X! Come In" still makes me smile! Also, the Spank Jenga series is quite funny. The spanking is not being delivered as a punishment, so we can have some more fun with it. Sometimes the whole, “you have been a bad lad and need to be punished can get a bit weary”. Bring on the laughs! Also, thinking about it. The whole sequence leading up to the spanking in Bailey Bullies Apprentice is very funny indeed! Well it makes me laugh a lot anyway!
Answer: I think this will happen. I am still on the hunt though for a changing room/locker room venue to film in and it will happen for sure. Then again Karl (or 18 year old Karl to give him his full name) wears some Speedos in Caught Spying on Girls!
Answer: Answer Yes I do! It is this aspect that seems to appeal to people the most. I think especially when you are dealing with masculine lads like Andy, Bailey and Liam. I suppose when you are dealing with Straight Lads getting OTK spanking there will always be a degree of humiliation involved but I certainly plan to make that a main feature in further movies.
Answer: OK there are a few reasons as to why I like the Wait Till Your Father Gets Home scenario. From a purely practical point of view this set up works well in having a scene where it is not necessary to show Dad's face. Which means I can play the part of Dad without having to bother with the mask (I have a feeling we will discuss the mask more later) so if I'm being honest, that was the original motivating factor behind this theme. It's not so much that I am desperate to be in these movies doing the belting but it means that I can arrange a shoot without having to bring in another actor to play Dad. As I have gone on to do each new Wait Till Your Father Gets Home they have evolved.
For example, with the Bailey one (which is still one of the most popular movies I have released so far) you had Bailey talking to his Dad on the phone before the spanking, pleading with his Dad and protesting that he was too old! I really think that added to the clip... Then in the latest release with Liam we finally have Dad talking all the way through it. Really laying into Liam and telling him off. The Liam one definitely features the hardest belting as well.... I have just filmed one of these with Andy too! So that will be released at some point! But yes, a huge part of the appeal for me of these movies is the waiting for the Dad getting home part. The lad knows what is coming and can't see any way out of it and knows that he is just going to have to go through with it! The fact that he is now a grown up means it’s gonna be bad and he knows this too! One other reason why I like these movies is that they are perfect for capturing facial reactions! In fact, I have just remembered that was an important contributing factor with regards to making the first one. Having the camera on the bottom of the bed capturing not only the lad reacting to the whacks from the belt but you can often catch the raised bottom in the background and see the hits all in the same shot. Visually I love that!
Answer: Yes this has sold more than any other movie I have made and it has not even been out for a month yet. To answer your question though about how I felt about beating Bailey so hard? Well I hated it! Truly I did! It's not really in my nature to inflict serious pain on another person so this was actually a big deal for me... Ok, how did it happen? Well I guess it comes down to business and supply and demand! I am well aware that there is a market for harder spankings like this and I was getting asked more and more to go further.
So I decided to approach Bailey about it. It was funny how it happened. It initially emailed him about it and he replied fairly soon. It was late at night and he told me that he was with his girlfriend and that she had actually offered to pay his fee so that he didn't feel the need to go through with it! How cute is that??? Anyway, it went ahead because of Bailey. His attitude to it was brilliant. He was up for the challenge.
Actually, I think this is what got Bailey through it. He saw it as a challenge to overcome! Boy did he rise to that challenge! If you have seen the video interview with Bailey you will know the behind the scenes story with what happened regarding filming on that day. But I'll tell you again here anyway....... So on that day there was some tension in the air! Bailey was naturally nervous, as was I! It's quite a big step from picking somebody up from the station having a coffee and a chat to then beating their bottom with a hairbrush! I was also using a new camera.... So we shot all the initial section with Bailey coming into see Mr X (incidentally, I think Bailey is awesome in this section. He plays it so well. I really feel that you can sense the dread in the air). So then it was time for the spanking. We decided that I would really go for it over his jeans, hard! It makes sense, at least he has some protection and it would look good on camera.
So I did! I really went for it! I paused and asked if he wanted a break and Bailey told me just to carry on. Now on this day there was no cameraman. The camera was high on a tripod. So I got up to adjust and too my horror I discovered it was not recording! I also had another camera set up for the face shots and that didn't record either! I was devastated! Bailey was brilliant about it and just said, well let’s go again! So I did, I went through the whole thing again of beating Bailey over his jeans.......... My nerves were getting worse by now! I then stopped and checked the camera and realised that once again it was not recording!!!!!! I actually was close to calling it off at this point. Bailey was a real trooper though and was calmer than I was. So we recorded it for the third and final time! This time all was good! I discovered afterwards that the face camera footage was poor quality and too dark to use. However, I had shot a lot of additional face camera shots with the main camera so there was more than enough to make it work....
As it happens, I have been working on the face camera footage and found out it caught the second take which I thought was lost. I have also managed to improve the quality of the image. I may well release this at some point and include some behind the scenes footage and producers notes and so on....
There was one good thing about the whole video though........ Mr X decided to rub some soothing cream into Bailey’s bruised bottom afterwards. I would be lying if I said I never 'appreciated' that moment! :)
Answer: I think there are many different elements that appealed to people with this movie. Ok, so this was the first time we had seen Karl. He really is just 18 and has a very fresh faced, cheeky look about him and I know that certainly appeals to many. Plus we saw him wanking in the shower! So for people who like to see a bit more of the models well you had Karl hard and jerking! Now add into the mix, Bailey as the spanker! Wow! What a great combination. I loved how Bailey played this as the swimming coach as he was lecturing Karl prior to the spanking. Beforehand we had only seen really nasty and arrogant Bailey. In this movie though he was much more like a caring big brother. I thought the chemistry between Bailey and Karl was fantastic!
But then we have the spanking! Boy did Bailey dish it out! In the editing the sound waves of the spanking were pushing the red peaks! This was the hardest OTK spanking filmed on SLS so far (maybe only Brett's 'Don't Steal From Mum - Part Two comes close). Bailey really got into he spanking and at one point close to the end I could see it was enough and Karl had enough and I was trying to get Bailey to stop but he was so focused on spanking the lad’s bottom that he never saw me frantically signalling. I ended up walking forward with the camera and tapping him on his head!
I was actually talking with Dr Barton about this clip too about why it was so popular and he suggested something else. There is a generation of people out there that grew up with spanking (or at least the threat of getting spanked) as a part of every day life. They feel that if this was still the case the youngsters of the day would be a lot more in control and respectful. So actually seeing a cheeky young scamp getting properly punished is pleasing! In this movie you are seeing a very real spanking!
So I think it was a combination of all of the above that made it such a hit!
Now here is some exclusive news for you. I have already filmed a rematch with Bailey and Karl. If you thought this clip was hard, just wait till you see what Bailey dishes out, they way he dishes it out and how much Karl takes! It makes the original movie look like a warm up!
31st December 2013 08:06
Answer: I'm astonished it's taken so long to ask about Mr X!! When you first asked for people to submit questions on Jockspank for this interview I was expecting loads of things along the lines of "when is that freak gonna lose the stupid mask"???
So let’s talk about Mr X then. It was quite simple how it started. Brett wanted to make some new clips, it was a spur of the moment thing and there was no 'spanker' there at the time. I was not prepared to show my face on film (more about this later) so for necessity more than anything else the character of Mr X was created! It all happened in a few minutes really. How much am I like the character of Mr X? I'm not 100% sure I'm the right person to ask! I'll broach this with some of the models next time I see them. I can tell you what Dr Barton said after seeing Mr X on film and then meeting me for real. He said that he never expected me to be so nice!
Clearly Mr X is just a character I am playing so I would hope I am not like that in every day life. However, it is easy for me to play Mr X. I don't have to think too much about it, so I guess everything he does and says is an extension of me. I'm not given lines to read by somebody else so I think there is a big part of me that is Mr X.
So let’s talk about the mask! Ok, let’s say that there really was a Mr X. A guy who lived in the community that was paid to spank unruly lads. Well I guess he probably would wear a mask. A bit like a public executioner used to! It would mean that Mr X can still visit the shops in his local town without fear of retaliation from some previous person he has spanked. So as far as the character goes, I am fine with him wearing a mask.
However, from my point of view as the producer/director of these movies I would much prefer it if Mr X was not wearing a mask! I'm not a big fan of it! I think facial reactions from both the spanker and spankee are very important and can enhance the movie.
"So why do I insist on wearing the mask I hear you yell"?
Well let me explain! I actually have a real job! Well I have two real jobs in actual fact. One of which sees me in a very caring, trusting and very hands on profession. I work for a highly professional company. My work in Adult Movies does not tally to well with this. In fact, there is every chance I would be fired if discovered. Which is unfortunate!! Otherwise, I am very open and proud of the work that I do on SLS. My family (including three brothers) and close friends all know what I am doing and are very supportive. I feel no shame or embarrassment about it at all.
From a very practical point of view, having me doing some spanking makes sense. It often means that I can make movies with just me and one model. It means I can film at short notice and so on. However, as you have seen and will see I am getting the lads to take over and do more spanking (like Bailey did in "Caught Spying on Girls" or Andy in "Clean Your the Apartment"). There is another reason that I still do some spanking. When working with a brand new model I spend a lot of time on email and phone conversations building up trust between us when trying to persuade them to do this work. On their first shoot they are understandably very nervous and I feel that having me (somebody they have got to know) doing the spanking makes the experience a whole lot easier for them. I think they feel safe in my hands! lol!
So will I ever lose the mask? Yes, I think it's more than likely that I will. It will take a bit of time though. I am going to wait until I get SLS to a situation where I am actually making a profit for a few consecutive months. I'm not sure if people realise how small the market is for what I am selling. If anyone thinks there is loads of money being made I can assure you that is not the case.
Answer: Do I? I feel like I am making it up as I go along! :) I suppose it is always something I have been curious about and never done much about. So what you have seen on screen has been my own learning curve!
Answer: Hmm, well I think I kind of answered this before to some degree! I have a self confessed obsession with Straight Lads anyway! So just having a lad over my knee is a thrill! I think it is more to do with the guy submitting, unwillingly to the spanking than the actual administration that appeals to me. Gosh! It's a difficult one to answer. I mean, why do we like anything? I guess we just do. I'm not sure that I would find it so thrilling with spanking a willing participant that was getting spanked for their own enjoyment.
Answer: Yes I do! Clips4Sale has been a great place to get started but it's expensive!
Let me explain. Clips4Sale deduct 40% from every sale I make. So if I sell a clip for $10.00 then I only get $6.00 from that!!
So as I said before. This is not something that really generates a lot of cash. Some clips can only sell around 20 copies. The money I have made so far has been spent on model fee's to make more clips! The whole SLS venture is funded by my other jobs!
Actually let me bring up another subject whilst I'm at it! Pirating! Recently it was pointed out to me that a few of my clips in their entirety had been downloaded onto a free site, by the time I found out 1000's of people had already watched them. It's such a shame really because all that will happen if this continues is that I will have to stop making the movies! The real losers of course would be the models that I use who get well rewarded for their work! So may I ask! If anyone sees any of my work (or any of the other studios on Clips4Sale) for free on other sites please let me know ASAP!
So back to the website question. Yes, I certainly do plan to have my own Straight Lads website where I can sell the clips directly without having to go through Clips4Sale! I do of course have my blog which can be found at www.straightladsspanked.com which acts as a website in the meantime. I update it all the time with all sorts of stuff including free previews and screenshots and so on!
Actually if there is any website designers who want to offer their services please get in touch! [email protected]
Answer Ok; I have two other projects on the go at the moment! One is 100% happening and will be live soon! I have been filming some more, erm, intimate footage of some of the models. I will be keeping this separate from the spanking store and opening a new studio on Clips4Sale. I think the title pretty much gives it away. It is going to be called Straight Lads Wank!
The other project is still in planning stages so I won’t say any more about it now. As soon as all is confirmed, Jockspank will be the first to know!
Also, I get lot’s of people asking if any of the models from SLS are available for private CP work. Well this could be an avenue I explore more at a later date. However, for now, let me answer it this way. Many of the models, in principal would be available. There are many terms though. The main ones being is that you need to be in and around London and be able to accommodate either at home or in a Hotel.
I also get asked if Mr X is available to dish out punishment to deserving people! Well, again, in principal yes. If you are genuinely interested in any of this please drop me an email. [email protected]
.. erm this seems to be the end of the interview??
Can I take this opportunity to first of all say a massive thanks to everyone that has supported the movies so far? THANK YOU! Every time you buy a movie it allows me to make more! It's as simple as that. Once the filming day is over the rest of Straight Lads Spanked is fairly solitary. So I'm gonna be honest and say I love comments on my blog. It's great to get feedback. Even just a simple comment makes my day! I really do read everything and respond to most. Also, if you see me posting on any of the google groups I always appreciate it if you add a comment too. Especially if I am promoting a clip and you want to say something nice about it! It bumps the post to the top and generates interest. Also, If you have any ideas for movies feel free to send me an email. Oh, and this is important! I need new locations! Around London. I'll consider anything! I'd love the football changing rooms I described above. Also though, how about a pub that is closed in the daytime? A factory building (disused is fine). An office? A plush apartment? A gym? If anyone has ideas and wants to get involved please let me know!
Finally. I'm gonna save my last thank you to Jock Spank and in particular Ward. Ward has been a massive support from day one. The stuff he does behind the scenes for Straight Lads Spanked mainly goes unmentioned. I so appreciate it and to be honest, would not have got this far so quickly without your help! Ward you are truly amazing! Not only with the tech stuff but you have kept me grounded too! Thank you!
I will be reading this on Jockspank, so if anyone has managed to get to the end of this. Well done! I would love to hear what you think, so leave a comment! I would be happy to answer any further questions too!
29th December 2013 11:55
Well I am delighted to tell you that all of your questions have been answered! I did my best to give as much information as I could,. I hope you enjoy it.
Thanks to Ward at Jockspank for making it look sensational!
You can read the new interview here! Jockspank Interview
Please feel free to to leave any comments or ask any further questions below.
25th December 2013 06:23
Hey Everyone!
Just wanted to wish you all a very merry Christmas. I hope you are all safe, warm and well and having a lovely day!
I have just finished preparing the turkey!
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked!
11th December 2013 16:47
So after all the controversy last Friday, (explained in this blog post) it was put to the vote whether or not to allow Sebastian to film more for Straight Lads Spanked.
Well the results were very positive and it seemed like you were willing to forgive.
But there had to consequences!
So I brought Sebastian in........
Actually when I saw him I instantly felt better. He had lost weight, was looking fine but more importantly was incredibly sorry...
You can watch what happened next!
Let me know what you think by leaving your comments below..
(The full punishment video can now be viewed here)
11th December 2013 05:28
Hey Everyone!
I'm delightd to tell you that Patrick Lee is coming to Straight Lads Spanked to do some filming!
This will only be the second time he has filmed without his big brother Andy Lee around.
Patrick told me he had been working out a llot and he sent me thse pictures. He very kindly told me I could share them with you all!
So here is Patrick before training!
And this is Patrick after training!
I was wondering if you guys had a preference as to what I could do with him?
I will put some options below and feel free to place your votes!
You can also leave a comment with more details/ideas if you wish!
(Please understand I might not be able to go exactly with what is decided on here although I will do my best and it really is just for fun!)
Wait Till Your Father Gets Home
Bubble Bath Blues
A Visit To Mr X
Patrick Spanks Another Naughty Lad
Another Lad Spanks Patrick
9th December 2013 12:53
So now the dust is settlig from this drama, I have to make a decision.
Do we give Sebastian a second chance and bring him back to Straight Lads Spanked or do we leave him to take his chances with the other studio?
Bearing in mind if he is allowed back he will clearly have to be punished for messing us all around.
So you decide!
Yes or No!
(please feel free to leave your thoughts below)
Yes - Sebastian Should Be Given A Second Chance
No - He Had His Chance And He Blew It!
8th December 2013 15:12
So this weekend has been eventful to say the least!
I'm not quite sure where to begin. It's been quite stressful and I have gone from nearly closing down the site to being more invigorated than ever before!
Ok so here goes!
On Friday I started getting emails from members telling me that one of the Straight Lads Spanked models had appeared in a movie for another mm spanking site No Way Out. I had a look and was pretty upset to see that it was Sebastian.
I also saw from the description that the movie he was appearing in was very similar to the ongoing series of movies he was currently involved with for Straight Lads Spanked.
Sebastian was called Tom in No Way Out. The movie was titled
'Tom - Crime and Punishment'
The series of movies that Sebastian was appearing in on my site was called
'Sebastian - Real Punishment'
In Tom - Crime and Punishment, Tom is interviewed and confesses to a real life crime and is suitably punished.
In Sebastian - Crime and Punishment, Sebastian is interviewed and confesses to a real life crime and is suitably punished!!!
My heart sank and I'm gonna be honest with you guys and girls I got quite upset.
Now let me tell you something... I have a great relationship with some of the other mm spanking sites. We all respect and appreciate the work we do. It's a specialised market with not much financial return so most of us do it as a labour of love first and foremost. So with this in mind, we have a gentleman's agreement not to use each others models and step on each others toes.
This is something that is very important to me.
I had also previously reached out to No Way Out on this same matter and thought that we had also come to the same gentelmans agreement.
So seeing this movie was like a kick in the stomach.
So I contacted the producer of No Way Out to find out what was going on.
He told me that Sebastian had not suggested that he had previously done MM Spanking movies. I had already spoken to Sebastian at this point and he had told me that the producer was fully aware that he was a Straight Lads Spanked model.
So I put this to the producer who then admitted that yes he did know, but only when Sebastian had turned up to film and by then he felt it was too late.
Now at this stage I am receiving emails from members asking me if I am now collaborating with No Way Out as they have seen the movie and can't believe how similar it was to what I had already produced. I assured them I had nothing to do with it...
But the emails kept on coming!
I am getting pissed off now as this movie from No Way Out is really affecting my business.
The Real Punishment movies I had filmed with Sebastian were about as real as you can get! The story was real and the punishment was real. Suddenly having him appear on a different site as a different character dramatically took away from the authenticity of my work.
But that was not all. The final part of the series Real Punishment - Sebastian - Bath Brush Beating still had not been released.
This was crazy! I'm pushing boundaries trying to give you all the best movies I can and this other site is jumping in and doing this. It just made me feel that the Real Punishment series with Sebastian was no longer valid or believable. So I reacted and just removed them from my site and I also scrapped the, as yet, unreleased Sebastian Bath Brush movie from my schedule.
I asked No Way Out again if we could stop this situation from ever happening again and respectfully asked them to stop using my models.
The reply I was given from No Way Out was basically this. They were not using MY models. They were just using models and the models were free to work anywhere....
So let me tell you about the models that work on Straight Lads Spanked. actually let me make it specific. I'll tell you about Sebastian.
When I first met Sebastian he had never done any filming. He was not a model and had never been spanked. I knew he would be perfect and was a real life naughty lad!
It took me 6 months of conversations and coaxing to finally get him to make his first movie. It was a lot of hard work on my part to get him on film. After that he gained confidence and you have all seen the results of what happened afterwards...
Until now, Sebastian has never appeared on any other mm spanking site. He was new and fresh to you.
This is what is important to me.
Dom, Wayne, Karl, Oliver, Fred, Sebastian, Tommy, Dale, Adam and so on..... All new! All fresh and all magnificent!
Trust me, it takes a lot of work to get these guys on film. They are not 'working models.. They all have regular jobs and regular lives.
So to find another mm spanking site, making a movie with a model from my site, is shit!
To discover the movie is just like the movies the same model had filmed for me was cringe worthy!!!
So I'm now on damage limitation mode. I offered to pay the producer all of his production costs to remove his version of the movie from his site but he refused.
I then asked him to at least hold it back for four weeks, release a different movie in the meantime and to allow me to release my final part of the series but he refused.
He explained to me that capitalism is not nice but its the world we live in!
I asked, can we at least prevent this from happening again by not using models that work on my site?
I was pretty much told that it is up to me to keep the models exclusive and if they approach him then it is fair game.
Keeping the models exclusive would be a lovely thing to achieve. The truth is, I can't. I simply can't afford to pay them a retainer not to work elsewhere. It's just not financially viable. I do discuss with the models that I want them to remain exclusive to Straight Lads Spanked and that if they choose to work for another mm spanking site that will be the last time they work for me.
The sad reality though is that many of these young guys don't think about long-term consequences and they react to the here & now. So if they need cash they will go and get it. I don't really blame the models. I know what I am getting in to when I work with them.
That is exactly what happened with Sebastian. I spoke to him yesterday and he told me he needed the desperately needed cash and I was working away from home and unable to help. So he shot that movie with No Way Out. Sebastian said he was unsure how much more work I would give him. I understand that point of view as I have to release the movies, gauge your feedback and then make plans for future shoots. So there will of course be some gaps where he is not working for me.
Now of course, Sebastian is dreadfully sorry and fully regretful for that snap decision he made back then. He realises now what he has lost work-wise from myself.
That is why I feel it has to be up to producers to be ethical and enforce this exclusivity between ourselves! The great news is that I have that understanding in place with most of the other studios and it works great. I thought I had the same agreement with No Way Out.
No Way Out have explained they don't want to work like that. Their opinion is that it is down to myself to stop the models seeking work elsewhere if I want them to be exclusive.
Which has lead to this situation and this rather long rant!
I guess it bothers me because I just can't relate to that train of thought.
I don't want to use models from other sites. I turn them down often. I want to bring you new and fresh guys that you have never seen before. I want to bring you guys that have never been spanked before! I work hard to do this. The alternative to me seems lazy.
So what you end up seeing on here is the guys taken on a spanking journey. From normally an initial OTK hand spanking, then some implements and building up to something like a bath brush beating and who knows what else!!!
That is exactly what was happening with Sebastian. I had already filmed his bath brush beating months ago and it was in the schedule waiting to be released. Suddenly, out of the blue No Way Out release their movie with Sebastian and it knocks me for six. It just seems to unfair. Unfair to me from a business point of view. Dreadfully unfair to Sebastian as his career at Straight Lads Spanked comes to a sudden stop and finally unfair to you, the faithful viewers.
I ask all my models right from the first conversation if they have worked on other mm spanking sites. If they say yes I simply wont use them. If, in the case of No Way Out and Sebastian where a model had turned up to me to film and suddenly confessed that he had worked for a rival mm spanking company I would stop the shoot and the model would go home without pay.
Even of No Way Out found out too late that Sebastian had worked for Straight Lads Spanked and the shoot was already complete, then they could have at least contacted and made me aware of the situation. Between us maybe we could have worked out a release schedule that minimised impact on our business. From previous conversations they knew this was a big deal. The first I heard was when the movie had been released!
I have movies filmed approximately 6 months in advance. So now the fear is that this could happen again with a different model that I have nurtured on here. It's very frustrating!
Never in my wildest dreams did it occur to me that I would be facing this issue from another MM Spanking studio. The relationship I have with other studios is warm, courteous and respectful. We all do our own different thing to bring you, the viewers, the best movies we can whilst respecting each other. It's never felt like a 'dog eat dog' world.
Until now!
So that, dear members is why part three of Sebastian's Real Punishment series has been rush released today. I guess I will just carry on doing what I do. I'm going to be honest though and say this situation this has affected me deeply. I do take it personally and I'm not sure how I would deal with it happening again.......
I tried hard to negotiate with No Way Out. I never wanted to release this blog post. I never wanted you to even be aware of the situation. All I want is for them to find their own models and leave the guys that have been exclusive on Straight Lads Spanked alone. Is that really too much to ask?
Want to see what happened next?
Click here to see a full video interview - for free!
13th October 2013 08:22
Hey Everyone!
Just wanted to say hello to you all! I hope you are all doing just fine! :)
I've noticed we have had a few new members sign up lately that are not posting much. I know it can be scary, but we really are a friendly bunch so if you want to just reply to this and introduce yourself then maybe that would be a good way to ease into getting involved!
Speaking of getting involved! I do love it when you make comments on the movies. I read every single one and try and reply to most. Believe it or not, the models also have a read too, especially if it is their movie! Also, if I am being 100% honest. The comments make the site more lively and interesting which helps with google rankings and also might convince a potential customer to sign up. So please keep the comments and reviews coming!
Oh and whilst I am at it! Rating the movies makes a huge difference and directly influences the top 10 movie list! So please, remember to give an honest rating for each movie. Oh and I never expect you to rank each movie 10 out of 10 so don't be scared to vote as you think. As a general rule I personally vote like this. I tend to give a movie which I think is really good a 7. If a movie did not really excite me I will vote less maybe a 6 or even a 5. That leaves room to give a movie I really love an 8 or a 9 or even a 10! Anyway, it all makes a difference and it really helps me to see what movies you really like and ones that you are not so keen on. Funnily enough, I do think the current top 10 list is pretty accurate!
I have been really busy filming lately and Art has been just as busy editing. I actually updated my movie release schedule yesterday and realised I have enough movies already filmed to take me all the way through until April 2014! So rest assured Straight Lads Spanked is going to be around for a while!
Twitter! I am tweeting quite a lot at the moment and am often tweeting behind the scenes pics from shoots and so on. It is also away to contact me directly and instantly. So feel free to follow me on Twitter! @Str8LadsSpank
Finally, a lot of my time is spent trying to promote the website on different forums and Facebook and Twitter and so on. It occurred to me today that maybe some of you might already be members of other mm spanking networks or websites. So I just thought I'd ask. If you can think of a way of promoting Straight Lads Spanked or even just giving it a mention and spreading the word, well I would really appreciate it! it all makes a difference and simply allows me to keep on making movies with great models!
Oh there are other things you could do for me!
The website has been reviewed on Gaydemon and Rabbit's Review. If you fancy having a look and leaving some nice, positive comments that would be really appreciated!
I also post preview movies onto Spanking Tube, again, it would be awesome if you could take a moment to leave some comments about the movies!
Anyway! That is all for now!
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked!
11th October 2013 15:19
Well Oliver has done it again and brought along another of his mates to Straight Lads Spanked!
I am so excited to introduce Dale to you. He is a litle bit older than some of the other recent lads like Dom and Wayne which I am pleased about. Dale is simply a normal lad that you would never expect to see in MM Spanking Movies. He is not a profesional model and has never been on film.
Why do I think Dale is brilliant for Straight Lads Spanked?
Well not only does he have classic normal lad next door looks...
Quite simply..
He looks like he needs a dam good spanking!
I can't wait to read your comments below!
2nd October 2013 07:04
Hey Everyone!
Well i have not long finished a new series of Spank Jenga. This has probably been my most ambitious shoot yet and features 4 real life best friends, Dom, Adam, Wayne and Harry in some serious spanking action!
It wont be released until later this year, but for now I wanted to share this preview video with you all.
I can't wait to hear what you think about it all!
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked
27th August 2013 11:03
Hi Everyone!
Hope this finds you well.
Here is a preview of this weeks upcoming release featuring Andy Lee and his younger brother Dan Lee!
17th August 2013 13:57
I am delighted to give you a sneak preview of Straight Lads Spanked latest addition!
Meet Wayne!
2nd August 2013 04:12
Hey Everyone!
So first of all I wanted to apologise for being a bit quiet on the blog and also for not responding as I normally do to the wonderful comments you have left on the new movies. I had laser eye surgery recently and it has meant that I have had to stay away from bright screens for a while! I am pleased to say I am 100% back in action now! I can assure you that I read every single comment and will start responding soon!
For now though I wanted to discuss the latest movie starring Sebastian titled -
Real Life Spanking - Sebastian - The Cane
So where do I begin? Well I guess what I want to get off my chest is that yes, it really is real! I have a member of the site that I have been corresponding with for some time. This guy 100% believes in discipline and the benefits it can have if applied correctly. From now on I will refer to him as Sir.
Now, the predicament that Sebastian got himself into as described in the movie really happened. He called me desperate for help. For various reasons I was not able to provide the funds that he needed to get him out of the mess that he was in quick enough. I happened to mention to Sir what was going on with Sebastian and after some consideration he offered to help.
So I managed to get hold of Sebastian and asked him to visit. Sebastian arrived in quite a state to be honest. He had been in hiding and was sleeping on a friends sofa. He had hardly slept though for days and was exhausted! I had to lend him a top to wear for the filming.
So what happened next is exactly what you see in the movie. From the ling conversation through to the very real spanking and caning. The entire punishment was filmed without stopping and it was captured in it's entirety across three HD cameras.
From a personal point of view it was a tough one. When people are down and in trouble I instinctively want to help and care for them. So dishing out such a hard punishment to someone that was in trouble was difficult. I'll tell you though what made me decide to go ahead with it. Well first and foremost, the monetary help from Sir came with the condition that Sebastian was properly punished. I had to provide evidence before the vital funds were released. But also, as much as I felt sympathy for Sebastian, the trouble that he was in was purely of his own making. He had been an idiot! He did deserve to be punished and more importantly, Sebastian agreed.
So there we have it. A real punishment!
What I can tell you is this..................
There is more to come!
6th July 2013 02:33
So Brother in Charge - Part One - Andy & Patrick has now been released. This has been a movie that was filmed some time ago and is quite dear to my heart. I thought I would post a little about where it all came from.
The idea initially was sparked by the lovely Princess Kelley May when she made some blog posts about my site which you can see here and here.
Miss May said something along the lines of the interesting dynamics that you could have with filming with real brothers and in particular where the spanking is dished out because of love and care and not just anger.
This was an idea that stuck with me. I really liked the idea and that was where Brother in Charge came from.
I know a lot about the background of Andy and Patrick (and Dan) and realised that they had a lot of real life experience to draw on to make this movie. For about a week I dreamt up the story. I tried to think what it would be like if suddenly the lads were left without parents and how they would cope. Especially for the older brother Andy who might feel the need to try and take over parental duties.
So then it came to the day of filming. We were using a brand new location which worked out really well and Andy and Patrick were really up for making a great movie.
So rather than giving a script, I just explained the story to them and helped with dialogue where needed. However, I really wanted most of the words to come from them.
So a few mins into the filming and all of a sudden, this scenario that I have been living and breathing for a whole weeks starts coming alive in front of me. I am going to confess, during the filming, just watching those two lads get into it, I started getting a bit emotional! I know! Patrick was the first to notice and of course did the appropriate thing and laugh at me for about 10 mins! Andy did too.........
So we carried on and soon enough, Andy started getting a bit choked up too!
There are a few scenes from this movie that are really important to me. I think the main one is when Andy asks Patrick
"What would Dad do if he was here, you know what he would do?"
Patrick is of course upset too that Dad is not around and replies angrily back..
"But he is not here, that's the thing, It's just you"
That is the point that pushes Andy over the edge and has to leave the room as he can't get upset in front of his little brother!
It breaks my heart every time I watch it back!
Then we have the time during the spanking when Andy says to Patrick (really upset)
"What would happen to me if you went to Prison, who would be there for me?"
and you can see the reality that Andy might be acting like the strong big brother but that really he needs Patrick for support just as much as Patrick needs Andy.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this one. I thought Andy and Patrick gave an amazing performance! I can't wait for you to see Part Two!
PS - Oh and sure, Patrick did a really bad thing but lets not judge him too harshly as he was only doing it to help out the family!
2nd July 2013 13:04
Jockspank is celebrating their 5th birthday! My birthday gift to them was a free spanking movie! Jockspank have supported my site and myself from the very beginning and in particular, Ward Coleman has done a lot of things behind the scenes to help Straight Lads Spanked. So I was delighted to be able to help with their celebrations with this gift.
Of course, you can all download the movie too simply by visiting Jockspank here!
I hope you enjoy this free mm spanking movie! Feel free to leave any comments you wish!
Dave - Straight Lads Spanked
29th June 2013 15:52
Brother in Charge
New Series
Straight Lads Spanked
Coming Soon!
27th June 2013 14:36
So I received this email from a rather happy member...
Let me copy and paste it for you...
""""Hi Mr X / Dave!
Possibly the biggest fan of your website here, although others might understandably argue otherwise!
I'm probably not your average customer... in my thirties, from the east of England, and thanks, thanks and thanks again for your site. In my opinion you are going to take the m/m spanking scene (that I have been into for 14 years) by storm.
You have the advantage of:
- young guys without the language barrier such as on Eastern European or Russian sites;
- providing spectacular shots of the spanking, sometimes employing under-used shots of the spanker enjoying what he dishes out (who eants endless rear-shots!?);
- guys who above being fit and straight (woof) are also fun, personable and mean when they want to be;
- a webmaster (your good self) who is willing to consider (and encourage) sugestions about his material from his own members;
- a very solid fan-base (and me! and me!)
9th June 2013 06:21
It's amazing really! Paddle Dare was a movie that nearly not shelved and it was only after some smart editing from my editor Art that it saw the light of day! People loved it!
So I felt as though I had to film a Part Two of this movie..... I think it was member Cami who asked what would have happened if Mr x had some CCTV cameras in his apartment...
Well what I can tell know is that he did!
Part Two has already been filmed. In fact, this picture was taken of Andy's very sore, striped and bruised bottom 4 days after the event! He was very kind to share it!
So yes, Paddle Dare - Part Two is really happening!
8th June 2013 05:34
I have released another movie which you can download free of charge! This movie is called Paddle Dare and features Andy Lee and Jay!
These 2 straight lads first of all get an OTK bare bottom spanking! It's after that though that the fun really begins! Both lads decide to play an endurance game to see who can take the most swats from the paddle!
The muscular straight lads are tough! They can take a lot!
15th May 2013 11:43
So this Friday's release features young Patrick Lee in his very first movie without his big brother Andy Lee. This was actually quite a big step for Patrick as he had never filmed anything before without his brother being there...
So a brand new movie, starring Patrick is heading your way on Friday! Oh and I can tell you something else. This is one very harsh punishment indeed! Poor Patrick!
Straight Lads Spanked
4th May 2013 03:30
Here are a few pics from last nights birthday celebrations!
My head hurts a little!
4th May 2013 03:15
Art – The Interview
Hello Art, it’s Dave here from Straight Lads Spanked (or Mr X as I am better known). First of all thank you for agreeing to do this interview. I appreciate that when you first got involved with Straight Lads Spanked that you were happy to be in the background. Things have moved on a lot from then though and by reading all the comments that get left on the website you have a lot fans that really appreciate your contribution to Straight Lads Spanked.
So Art, here are the questions!
Q: Can you tell us something about your professional background? Are you a full time professional editor?
I am a full time professional editor. I have a diploma in Video Production and Video Editing from a well-known college in North America. After graduation, I got a job with a production company in Canada, and went to work with a really talented boss who has taught me a lot of what I know.
Q: So Lori Lee asked, “how did very first became aware of Straight Lads Spanked and what led to you editing the movies?”
That really talented boss I just mentioned is into spanking. He’s never made a secret of it and I’ve known it for a long time. He talks about it very openly.
A job came up – an amazing job as an assistant editor for a major motion picture. The producer of the picture is a friend of my boss, and also into spanking. I asked my boss if he thought I had a shot and his response was that the producer had told him that he would like to spank me, and if I would allow that, he was sure that it would move me to the top of the list. I really wanted this job because it would do amazing things for my career. The problem was, I’m straight and have never been spanked (except by my Dad) and, to be honest, didn’t really like the idea. But, being research oriented, I went on the Internet and googled “Straight guys who get spanked” and I found this site. I looked at some of the previews and purchased one of the videos. It was Andy and Bailey getting spanked by Mr. X, and although the content was great – and really helpful -, the editing of the video (how do I put this nicely!) wasn’t very good. So I wrote to Mr. X and I guess I kinda criticized the edit offered to help fix it. Mr. X responded immediately and very positively, so I fixed that edit, and he sent me another video to see what I could do with it.
And the rest is history.
Q: Lori also asked, “What has been the hardest movie to edit so far and why?”
I’d have to say “Foul Mouthed Andy” because parts of it were shot with a cell phone, the lighting in Mr. X’s apartment was bad (this was before the purchase of the new lights) and the video spanned the two countries. I created a montage of going from London to Germany with maps and small planes and superimpositions and crossfades etc. which was complicated and took a lot of time. But turned out looking great (I hope)
Having said that, all of the videos are complicated because of the way they are filmed – sometimes Mr. X does everything – the camera work, the dialogue, the spanking etc. and continuity sometimes suffers. But I love that challenge of taking raw footage that is less than perfect and turning it into something terrific.
Q: Lori also said a big thank you for getting involved. She really appreciates what you bring to the movies. She was also curious to know what your own sexual preference is and are you single or taken?
I’m straight, and - sorry Lori - I’m taken.
Q: So Matt says the movies were always great, but that they have taken a huge leap forward since you took over the editing and says thanks. So Matt was asking if you were already a fan of MM Spanking movies and if you have edited for other producers.
I had never seen a spanking movie before the Andy/Bailey straight lads spanked video, and I have not edited for other producers.
Q: Matt also asks what is it like going from editing mainstream material to the movies at Straight Lads Spanked?
That’s a really good question. The truth is, there is not much difference. I try to think about what the viewer might enjoy and edit to enhance that enjoyment. I’ve been asked how I can edit spanking videos when I am not into spanking. My answer is, I also edit movies about murder… That’s facetious, I know, but hopefully makes the point.
Without being funny, the feedback really helps me to know that I’m on the right track – especially from Dave, who always lets me know what he thinks in a helpful and positive way, Feedback from viewers is also really helpful when I get it.
Q: So here is another question from Matt. Do you find that working on the raw footage from the movies takes away any enjoyment you would otherwise get from just being a viewer?
I love working with raw footage. And I do enjoy looking at the video after the edit is complete. Things that “work” – especially on film or video excite me.
Q: Ward Coleman asks....”what aspect of the work do you enjoy the most, the technical or creative? Also, do you actually enjoy the movies themselves and is this your first involvement with “Adult Movies”?
That’s also a really good question. The truth is I like both aspects. I love solving technical problems and I love being creative. For example, I use split-screen in many of the videos because it allows the viewer to see the backside being spanked and the facial expression at the same time, which wouldn’t be possible in real life – I guess it could be done with mirrors, but I don’t think it would be as effective. You may also have noticed that I also change the end credits for every video – the same general information is used, but I alter the way it is presented. That’s both technical and creative for me, and I find it fascinating.
I enjoy watching the movies if they worked out great – and yep, this is my first involvement with “Adult Movies”
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer these questions Art! Very much appreciated indeed! I must admit I really enjoyed reading your answers myself! I hope you all enjoy this insight too! ONe thing I would ask of you. If you do read this, please take a few moments to leave a comment below. I know Art would really appreciate it!
3rd May 2013 07:37
Well the new movies featuring new Straight Lad Sebastian has now been released! It lasts for a whopping 30 minutes! Sebastian was really put through his paces for his first shoot. The storyline in this movie was something I have been wanting to do for a while now. I will be interested to hear your feedback on Sebastian. You can add that directly to the movie here.
Also, thank you for the birthday emails I got today! Very much appreciated! I'm off out now to celebrate!
29th April 2013 11:43
Hey Everyone!
Well I have returned safe and sound from my American adventure! Had a great time!
Lots of things to get excited about! This Friday's release features a brand new straight lad in his debut movie which is over 30 minutes long! I can't wait for you to meet him!
Also, thank you for leaving the comments on the movies. In particular the comments on the Brothers at War movie were briliant! Andy & Patrick have read them all and they are really delighted about them (though secretly I think Andy was a bit jealous about all the attention and praise that Patrick got, you have no idea how competitve these lads are)!
So please keep the comments coming! I really do read every one and the models tend to log in too and see what has been said about their movies.
Oh I was just wondering.......... would anyone like a sneak preview pic of Friday's new bad lad?
23rd April 2013 04:22
Just had the most AMAZING day yesterday - we did the tour then actually recorded at Sun studios (my mate is a pro singer so that was quite a thrill), then cheekily dropped by Sam Philips recording service (which is not open to the public) where legendary guitarist Roland Janes invited us in to have a look around! We then visited the famous Lansky Brothers store which you to dress Elvis!
22nd April 2013 05:44
Well I am on vacation! I have made my first ever visit to the USA! It is my best friends 40th birthday and he is fulfilling a lifelong dream as a long-term Elvis fan to visit Memphis (and of course Graceland).
So we arrived yesterday evening after a great flight with Delta airlines. The UK is 6 hours ahead of Memphis so it was all rather confusing! My head was saying get to sleep but the local clock was saying it was just 6pm.
So off to explore we went and ended up on Beale Street . Of course there was only one thing to do. Munch on bbq ribs washed down with Budweiser! :) So I did!
We watched some great live bands in different bars and finally stumbled back to the Hotel at around 11pm. By that time we had been up for 24 hours!
So it is now 8am and I am about to experience my first American Breakfast!
After that me and my mates (there are 4 of us here) are going to visit Sun Studios.
Straight Lads Spanked
22nd April 2013 05:41
Ok well not exactly revealed!
However, I just thought that it was time that myself, the owner and creater of Straight Lads Spanked had a name! Well I have always had a name and it is Dave! (though very occassionally my Mother calls me David)!
So from now on, I will be posting on here as Dave - Straight Lads Spanked!
As for Mr X! Well that guy still exists! He is busy somewhere looking after the community and dishing out spankings to deserving lads!
14th April 2013 12:17
So anyone who has watched a Straight Lads Spanked movie over the last 6 momths or so will see that it has been edited by Art. I get asked about Art all the time! So I thought it would be fun to interview him,,,
So this is your chance to pose your question or questions. You can ask him anything you like, Art has assured me that he will try and answer every question honestly and as openly as he can...
So feel free to ask away? You might want to know how he first got involved with Straight Lads Spanked or how does the editing process work or what is his favourite colour!
Just hit the comment button below to ask your questions!
Straight Lads Spanked
12th April 2013 03:07
Hey Everyone!
Sorry I have been a bit quiet with my blog posts lately. I have had a week of rather unexpected filming. So many exciting things. happening.
So where do I begin!
Stolen Holiday Money featuring Harry and Fred was such a popular movie that it seemed a shame to leave it there. The ending did suggest that there was more to come.. So this week not only did I film Part 2 I also filmed Part 3 as well! :) So what can I tell you about these movies without giving too much away........ hmm.... So in Part 2 we discover that Fred was going on holiday with his brother Oliver. Oliver is really not happy that Harry 'borrowed' the holiday money either. You really don't want to mess with these brothers. Poor Harry!
As for Part 3 - Well I have just one word to say about this one.
I also ended up filming a couple of 'real life' punishments over the last few weeks. One of these features a model which you have not yet met called Sebastian. I have a feeling you guys and gals are really going to like Seb. A lot! :)
As for these real life spankings. It is such an interesting direction for Straight Lads Spanked that I think they deserve their own blog post. So I will be getting on with that a bit later.
So the much anticipated Part 2 of Footballers Out Of Control has now been released! I hope it lives up to people's expectations! I watched it myself again yesterday when I was putting the preview video together and it brought back a lot of fond and stressful memories! This was filmed in the middle of last year and it was fun because the lads were so mischievous that day that it was difficult to keep any sense of order about the place! Stressful because I had no cameraman and was trying to do 100 things at once! Art my editor once again did a great job on this one!
I hope you enjoy it!
Mr X
PS don't forget to follow me on Twitter. I do update on there most days and often tweet some random pics taken from filming sessions. You can follow me
23rd March 2013 08:51
Hey Everyone! For those of you who enjoy tweeting you can now follow me on twitter! @Str8LadsSpank I do keep it updated often and there are quite a few pics on there that you might enjoy!
17th March 2013 10:15
Hey Everyone,
I have just added a new movie to the members area. This is some of the 'lost footage' from the original Bailey Bath Brush Beating that I put together a while ago. It includes some new footage, behind the scenes dialogue and directors notes.
Members can download it here
Would love to read any comments you have about it!
15th March 2013 02:30
Hey Everyone!
Here is an interview I did with Jockspank. It was done some time ago and a lot has changed since then, including this new website! Maybe it is time to update the interview?
Anyway, here is the link and thanks to Ward for digging it out!
12th March 2013 04:01
Hey Everyone! I was recently interrogatred by GayDemon website! It was fun! The full interview can be read here.
Interview With Straight Lads Spanked
I hope you enjoy it!
Mr X
3rd March 2013 17:35
So Andy's younger brother, 18 year old Dan Lee came back to shoot another movie! This time he got spanked hard by his big brother! Yikes! You can watch how they reacted to it all here in this brief video interview.
21st February 2013 07:10
Just putting the finishing touches together for tomorrows release.
I have some teasing words for you.
Mr X
Sore Bottoms!
20th February 2013 11:51
Lets welcome a brand new addition to Straight Lads Spanked!
16th February 2013 13:29
Young Liam was here a few days ago for a very different kind of movie! I wont go into full details right now but romantic Liam got caned so he could take his lovely girlfriend on a very special Valentines treat!
12th February 2013 15:14
Hello All!
So my website has just been given a full review by a major review site. This is really important to me as it can help get new spanking fans to find the website.
The review was mainly positive which was great!
If you want to have a read of it, you can see it here
There is an option to leave comments on the review and actually rate my site. So if you fancy leaving some nice comment that would mean a lot to me and really help!
Mr X
9th February 2013 09:56
Hey Everyone!
I am so excited to present to you a brand new model called Dominic (or Dom). He is a friend of Fred and shot his first spanking movie today.
Say hello to Dom!
Ok, so here is another photo of young Dom!
8th February 2013 13:33
Would you like to have some influence in a Straight Lads Spanked movie?
Well I have some shoots coming up with some new naughty lads! So these guys need to be spanked for some offence. Either by Mr X or by Dad......
So if you have any suggestions as to what a modern day guy should be spanked for please hit the comment button below and submit your idea....
Tomorrow I have a brand new 18 year old model coming to visit Mr X. He is actually a friend of Fred's........
I wonder what his crime will be????????????
6th February 2013 16:11
So on Monday I had a crazy day filming with brothers Andy & Patrick along with Oliver & Fred!
I think I got some movies shot which you will enjoy. Ranging from pure fun and madness to something really quite emotional!
On the way back from location (yes, I have a new location now) Andy recorded this brief interview..
Don't forget to hit the comment button below and let me know what you think!
5th February 2013 14:52
So I have been busy filming with Andy, Patrick, Oliver and Fred.
Andy and Patrick kipped over at Straight Lads Spanked Towers the night before the shoot!
Here is a little snap I took whilst we were watching the Superbowl!
The only time Andy is ever quiet! lol!
2nd February 2013 10:07
This was Liam earlier today! He has really been working out a lot since I last saw him.
1st February 2013 01:36
Well Andy's Bath Brush Beating one the vote off - by just one single vote!
The movie is available for download now.
Oliver - Chinese Birch - 36 Lashes
Will be released next week.
Mr X
PS Here is a photo of very happy Andy on the famous bike that he wanted so badly! :)
30th January 2013 16:14
Just thinking out loud!
How do we feel about a Giant Jenga style game with Andy & Patrick vs Oliver & Fred?
Battle of the Brothers! :)
I reckon that could be a fun movie!
27th January 2013 11:47
Hey Everyone!
Ok, so the voting is now open for members to vote on what movie gets released this Friday.
It is between
Oliver - Chinese Birch - 36 Lashes
Andy - Bath Brush Beating
You can watch the preview videos below and place your vote. You only get one vote!
Have Fun!
Mr X
PS feel free to comment below on which movie you voted for!
PPS Oh and just to be clear. Whichever movie comes in second in this vote will be released the following week.
Oliver - Chinese Birch - 36 Lashes
Andy - Bath Brush Beating
26th January 2013 11:43
Ok, good news!
The issue with the preview videos not playing for everyone has now been resolved.
However, it could well be that if you tried to access them previoulsy and could not get them to work that it may take about 12 hours for the fix to actually take effect.
Regardless though, I am feeling confident that this time tomorrow they will be working for everyone!
Apologies for any inconvenience!
Mr X
25th January 2013 15:18
Hey Everyone,
I am just in the process of compiling some frequently asked questions for the website. It is mainly releated to tech stuff but I could cover anything in there really.
If anyone has any suggestions or questions they would like answered feel free to hit the comment button below and ask away!
Mr X
25th January 2013 02:41
Hi There,
I have had a few emails and message with some people unable to play the preview videos (the actual dow loads are fine)
So I am trying to get a bit more information. I would really appreciate it if you would try and play this preview video and then reply to this posting answering these 4 questions.
1. Could you play the preview Video?
2. What Internet Browser are you using and which version (for example I am using Safari 6.0.2)
3. Can you play the same preview video in this location here?
Mr X
25th January 2013 02:34
Well that was fun! The voting is now closed and I can announce that the Forrest Nettle Whipping = Part Two got the most votes and has now been released into the members area!
The voting finished like this.
Andy - Bath Brush Beating - received 10 votes which was 34.48%
Oliver 0 Chinese Birch - 36 Laches - received 7 votes which was 24.14%
Forrest Nettle Whipping - Part Tw0 - (Andy's Revenge) - received 12 votes which was 41.38%
Ok, so the nect two releases are going to be Andy Bath Brush and Oliver Chinese Birch. I will start the voting again, from the beginning and you can decide on which on gets released next Friday.
Mr X
22nd January 2013 08:07
Hey Everyone!
Again! Apologies that I am not posting as much as I used to. I am still just working around the clock to improve the site and add new features.
So today I am trying out a brand new features for the members. I am going to let you vote and decide which new movie gets released this Friday!
How cool is that?
I have given you a choice between three new movies.
Oliver - Chinese Birch - 36 Lashes
Andy - Bath Brush Beating
Forrest Nettle Whipping - Part Two (Andy's Revenge)
You only get one vote! All you have to do is view the preview video below and then decide which movie you would like to see released this Friday and then place your vote. You can only vote once!
Of course, if the voting is not going your way, feel free to hit the comment button below and state the case for the movie of your choice and try and persuade other potential voters why they should choose it!
1. Keep it Fun!
2. Keep it polite!:)
Mr X
Andy - Bath Brush Beating
Oliver - Chinese Birch - 36 Lashes!
Forrest Nettle Whipping - Part Two (Andy's Revenge)
21st January 2013 04:44
Hey Everyone!
Hope this finds you all well and not too badly affected by any snow!
I just added a preview movie for Oliver & Fred.
Mr X
14th January 2013 01:54
Hey Everyone!
One thin that has always been inprtant to me is the awesome participation from the members of Straight Lads Spanked on my blog. I wanted to carry that over here to the new website and have already added some new features which will allow some interatction.
1. Video Rating! Members can now rate each movie from 1 to 10. I'm really intersted to see the results. In fact, this will give me an idea of the type of movie and models that you areally like and the ones you are less keen on which can guide me when planning the next video shoot! So please feel free to explore and start rating!
2. Comments. I have now set up a comments box for each movie! Members can leave their thoughts on each new movie. I always enjoy hearing what you all have to say!
3. Blog - Here we are on the new blog! It is her that I will be posting any udates or bits of news about Straight Lads Spanked. Anyone can post on the blog (you don;t have to be a member) so fee free to hit the comment button below and say hi! :)
Mr X
9th January 2013 09:33
Hey Everyone!
Mr X here! I hope you are all doing well so far in 2013?
So here I am on my new blog on my brand new wesbsite! It really is quite exciting!
So www.straightladsspanked.com is just a couple of weeks old. I think I have now ironed out all of the teething issues. If anyone requires any support, please email me directly at [email protected]
Mr X