12th April 2013 03:07
Hey Everyone!
Sorry I have been a bit quiet with my blog posts lately. I have had a week of rather unexpected filming. So many exciting things. happening.
So where do I begin!
Stolen Holiday Money featuring Harry and Fred was such a popular movie that it seemed a shame to leave it there. The ending did suggest that there was more to come.. So this week not only did I film Part 2 I also filmed Part 3 as well! :) So what can I tell you about these movies without giving too much away........ hmm.... So in Part 2 we discover that Fred was going on holiday with his brother Oliver. Oliver is really not happy that Harry 'borrowed' the holiday money either. You really don't want to mess with these brothers. Poor Harry!
As for Part 3 - Well I have just one word to say about this one.
I also ended up filming a couple of 'real life' punishments over the last few weeks. One of these features a model which you have not yet met called Sebastian. I have a feeling you guys and gals are really going to like Seb. A lot! :)
As for these real life spankings. It is such an interesting direction for Straight Lads Spanked that I think they deserve their own blog post. So I will be getting on with that a bit later.
So the much anticipated Part 2 of Footballers Out Of Control has now been released! I hope it lives up to people's expectations! I watched it myself again yesterday when I was putting the preview video together and it brought back a lot of fond and stressful memories! This was filmed in the middle of last year and it was fun because the lads were so mischievous that day that it was difficult to keep any sense of order about the place! Stressful because I had no cameraman and was trying to do 100 things at once! Art my editor once again did a great job on this one!
I hope you enjoy it!
Mr X
PS don't forget to follow me on Twitter. I do update on there most days and often tweet some random pics taken from filming sessions. You can follow me