25th January 2015 05:26 | LAST COMMENT 316 weeks ago
So a few months ago I happened to mention that I had just filmed a movie where there were some real tears from the model. At this stage, when I first menitoned it, I had not even watched the footage back.
Now my awesome editor Art has worked his magic on it and I have seen the final version.
There was a lot of excitiement about this and I am worried that peoples expecations for this movie may exceed what I described.
So at this stage I am not going to mention any details as to the model involved, but I will tell you more about what happened on the day.
The story of the movie was quite emotionally charged and I just wanted to get this right. So I had actually spoken in great detail to the model in question prior to him coming for filming. I wanted him to really play the story out in his head and try and fully immerse himself in what I wanted to produce.
And he really did! Beyond my expectaions!
If you are expecting a lad to have tears streaming down his face because of the ain of a spanking then you will be disapointed. Instead, this is all about the emotions between a father and a son and what leads to the spanking. The emotion that you see is real and very raw and starts within the first few minutes of the movie.
Actually I have just watched this movie again with fresh eyes (well actually slightly tear stained eyes). Art has done an astounding job woth this edit (well let's face it, he always does) and I just know that you are going to really enjoy it!
Not long to wait now!