Karl is not having a good day. He was bunking class and was caught kissing a girl behind the bike sheds! The headmaster took a very dim view on this behaviour and Karl was summoned to the headmasters office where he received 12 from the cane!
This action in this scene starts later in the day when Karl gets home from school. Feeling very sorry for himself, he gets undressed and into bed
His bottom still has some really nasty stripes from when he got caned earlier and he spends some time trying to soothe and rub his sore cheeks better!
Karl switches the light off and is ready to get some sleep when his very angry father bursts into the bedroom! Dad has just taken a phone call from the headmaster and has heard all about Karl's shameful behaviour!
Dad insists on inspecting the damage inflicted on Karl's bottom from the headmasters cane! even though it is clear that Karl has already been severely punished, Dad is still not satisfied. As far as he is concerned it his job to punish his son! No matter how much Karl protests, he finds himself over his Dad's knees and getting his already painful bottom soundly spanked and slippered!
There is no hiding by Karl's facial reactions how much this is truly hurting!
Karl learns a very painful lesson indeed!

I love the lengthy dialog in the beginning. It’s a beautiful, easy, frank conversation between a stern, but not too angry Dad, and a son who is not afraid to own his mistakes and speak honestly about them. I really enjoyed the departure from all the attitude and power-play we often see in the WTYFGH vids. Karl’s apparent age is much younger than his actual age, so it’s easy to imagine that he hasn’t quite reached that stage yet and still looks up to his old Dad. I also liked Dad in PJ’s, a softer image to differentiate from Dad in a business suit, of the WTYFGH vids. The dialog was quite natural and Karl kept eye contact even when discussing his punishment at school, suggesting a candor and trust towards his Dad that was really refreshing to watch.
Details I loved: Karl’s lack of hesitation or embarrassment when displaying his cane marks: Dad’s long sigh when seeing the cane marks: Karl’s refusal to pass up the slipper as he buries his head in his pillow and says “I don’t want it!†(so adorable I can’t stand it!): the entire epilogue (tucking in, Dad asking if Karl was ok, Karl’s final remorse, etc.)
Details I loved not so much: Karl saying “I’m too old for this.†Given the tone of the scene I would have liked to not have heard this here. Had that line been left out, it would not have been difficult to imagine that spankings were a regular and accepted consequence for misbehavior at home. Karl had been so candid and submissive that the line just seemed at odds in the scene, but that’s the only thing!

Karl has the Best Arse Ever, no contest.